Monday, August 23, 2010


Yup I'm gonna be on hiatus from today onwards!

*haitus: a pause in activity when nothing happens*

cause its 1 more day then its exam time for Y8!

Form 5 de is already having test liaw~ HAHAHA

I'm so freaking scared boutt the examssss >.<

I wish i could get high marks! at least above 70% but then chinese no hope de -.-
Lol =p

Yesterday i had chicken chop for dinner! as u all noe.....if u guys added me in facebook =p
its so damn delicios! =DDD

my mum also prepared side dishes like : mash potato.....salads......french fries......breads! 

I don't have to go out n eat western food lu~ ask my mum cook then excellent liaw~ HAHAHA =D =p

OMG! so fat right those foods? YA!

I'm gonna go exercise even more le!!!!!!

These days i'm exercising ah~ good leh =p

mission(for exercising) still going~ ^.^V i'm gonna have my last oral! which is english oral

It'll be easy! at least easier than BM n chinese oral right? =D
wish me luck guys! 

note to self: remember to sound the 'th', 's' , 'ed' n so on~ HAHAHAHA =p

bye ya! ^.^ =p

Saturday, August 21, 2010

at computer lab again :pp


tat all bully me...

at class: bully me n tinn like siao! ><""

kept on trowing tat stapler thingy at us! ><"""


the at computer lab de shi hou gen chan! ><"""""

tat CHOON WENG go n pull maa hair..

but then wo xian zai shuang le.. cause tinn go highlight cherng's face~


suer shuang now..~ hahaahhahA :DD


now still have weng to take revenge at!!!

later surely will get maa revenge de!!! :pp


*evil laugh*


go n pull maa hair just now..><

gurls should noe how we feel .. rite gurls! :DD

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2 down 1 to go~

2 oral has finish but still left one more~

that is : Bm n Chinese(my worst subject =p) is finish but English haven't~


still quite nervous ah! My english teacher warn us(Y8B - those who haven't had english oral) to pronouce the word 'th' , 'ed' , 's' n so on......correctly~ >.<

i don't noe if i'll forget it or not~ HAHAHA
cause when i get nervous.....i'll speak quickly~ >.<

even worst! when i get nervous i'll have tougue-tie~ 

so damn nervous! >.<

*change topic*
umm......the new Singapore movie is quite good! =D i love it~ (name: Together - chinese: Dang Wo Men Tong Zai Yi Qi)

there's this one guy! super hot! i think lah~ don't noe u guys think or not~ =D

He also act before at the 'Xiao Niang Re' one! I LOVE THAT GUY!


ok~ gonna stop here for now! =p
have to study liaw~ exam is getting closer n closer! *scary!* >.<

bye! =D
Have a nice day ya~ =p

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I'm gonna have BM oral soon!

I'm not top 5 so i won't be going so early~ =p

Actually BM oral starts at 11:00a.m but then now its 11:06 le~ =p

good leh! but then i'll feel even more nervous! >.<

hate it so damn much!

I hate that feeling! DUH! who doesn't right? HAHAHA =D

Today Foo Ming have invited people go to her birthday party(including me of course! HAHAHA *perasan* =p) but then i can't go cause my parents going to KL so i can't go n also its almost exam le! >.<

*EXAM LAGI! -.-*

I really wish i could go! but then can't~ Foo Ming even rent a bouncer lagi leh! WATER BOUNCER LEH!

I wanna goo!!! >.<


kasian ah me! -.-

Later have tuition lagi =.=

wish later tuition i won't feel sleepy lo~ cause i'm gonna have oral till 1:30p.m~ then tuition starts from 3:00p.m till 5:00p.m~

i think i'll fall asleep~ HAHAHAH JK! =p

anyways~ gonna off now~ no mood to blog~ loL! no lah~ too nervous to think bout something to blog bout now~

bye guys!


*praying* >.O

CHAO!  ^.^V =D =p


Today its one of my best friend's birhtday! =p

Happy Birthday to u,
 Happy Birthday to u,
 Happy Birthday to my dearest foo ming,
Happy Birthday to u! =D

getting older liaw oh~

older than me le hah? i also don't noe =p

Hope u have a great day ya!
okie.....gonna go school now so i can't blog anymore le~

gonna edit it when i came back n also if i can use ya!


Monday, August 16, 2010


Good news guys!

today Y7D de form teacher come n find one of my friends (which is also supporting us de....)

she(the teacher) settled all the problems le! so that means no Y7C or D de coming down n flirting with our Y8 level de boys lu! YEAH! =p

finally! =D

OMG! I'm so damn happy right now! =p




but then kasian my brother(fake) didn't get to slap them~ HAHAHA =p

k lah~ don't wanna blog bout them liaw~

furthermore.....i have to go liaw~ next period coming so can't use le -.-

only can use for 1 period nia~ so kasian~

tomorrow have computer so maybe i can blog something tomorrow!=p

wish my computer teacher won't be sick n won't come to school again like last week~

last week didn't get to use -.-

anyways~ BYE YA READERS!


Saturday, August 14, 2010




ok~ first of alll.....i still have some things to say to "THEM"

umm...u guys say that u wanted to come n slap us? but then today y didn't? of course because u guys scared lah! -.-

very kekdao ah!

CORNFLAKES! go use ur middle finger on one of my brother(fake)? F lah! don't noe the word "respect" kah?! u must respect ur seniors alright? ( to readers: getting kinda harsh liaw right? k~ gonna try not to get very harsh! >.<)

today~ all of us was waiting for u guys~ at our level but then u guys didn't come.... sien -.-

u guys say want to fight after school..... everybody go back home le lu~ how can? nobody wanted to fight le~ everybody don't want to waste their precious time just to u guys~ we all want to study too

u noe....i realize that i'm just wasting my time blogging bout u guys.....i'll stop after i finish posting this! but then if u guys get very harsh! i'll blog even worst de ah! =p

i don't want to waste my time on u guys liaw~ its not worth it -.-

n also ~ very sien liaw~ =p

k~ no more! =p

sorry ya readers! u guys have to read some harsh things again~ >.< i'll not blog anymore bout them liaw~ IF they get too harsh then only i'll blog =p


Yup! today i went to my sister's as well as my mother's aerobics place~

at first we was just going over there for fun~ cause nothing to do at home (very sien!) but then in the end we end up excercising too! HAHAHA!

no people one over there that's y we can go n excercise! free lagi de neh! no people cause = puasa month! =p

Its was very awesome! very tiring though(duh! -.-) 

n then now my right arm hurts a lot -.- so thats y i'm typing slower than last time~

Today~ at aerobics i got play with the balll.....use for excercising de one~ u guys noe? if not~ nvm~ HAHAHA =p

its was very hard though~ cause very hard to balance =p

then just now didn't eat dinner cause no appetite~ =p

after excerising some times i'll feel like this~ ^.^V


today we had out group dicussion! my group gotten 16/20~ the second highest i think~

i think we can get better marks de ! its all because of me! >.< i kept on saying "umm...Umm....Umm" 

GAH! too nervous! >.<

hate it! T.T


in da computer lab now!! :DD


teacher ishh not teaching usss~ just talk about second trail or something like tat.. but kasian tat teacher .. cause no 1 ishh listening to him..><""

but i do! haahah wo zhuo guai guai zai! hahaha :DD


now super boring.. kept on finding stuff to talk to euu readers~ hahaha

hmm.. *thinking* :pp

OH YEAH! year 7 n year 8 gurls are having a war OO OMG! but i'm not included cause i don't reli noe wat happen actually ... lalalalala

*innocent look *

HAHAHA just wanna tell year 8 guys to stop the warr lahh~ i'm not blaming euu guys worhh~ but just stop lahh~ hahah don't fight liaw.. later kena say.. hahah

btw~ i noe for euu readers tat it's hard to noe who blogged da post when euur reading it.. i'll teach euu guys thenn :pp

euu guys just have to scroll to the bottom-est of this post then euu can noe if this post ishh posted by me or the other owner of da blog :pp hope euu guys noes wat i'm talking about~ hahah cause i noe confusing :DD


next topic!

today's MEI KUAN"S BIRTHDAY which ishh maa friend of cuxx. hahah :DD

let's wish her a happy birthday~



hahahaha :DD

hopes she have an awesome day~ :DD

tat's al for da day!

remember about the thighs i wrote year 8 ><"" hahah~ tataahhhh :33


K fine~ i'll listen to what xiao xiao told me to do....

i'll stop! but then if they did do anything more i'll continue to post bout them de oh! they make me do it de! >.<
sorry ya readers...u guys have to read such not good de post.....its a warning to them to never ever do these kind of things! n also must respect seniors! >.< 

i also hate their attitudes too! so .........[<= don't noe how to express~ HAHAHA =p]

my sister told me that u guys would think that we're fighting over the Y8 de boys~ but we're not! we r just protecting them from getting heartbroken! >.< they will be very sad de ah!

u guys don't like to see ur friends getting sad too right? i hate to see them like that~ =p
k gonna stop here for now! =p

bye! ^.^V

Friday, August 13, 2010


OMG! Not scared of us? ya right! 

I noe when u say u guys r afraid then its very 'bu yao lian'  bwa~

nvm! just admit it! tell us honestly! 

more better kan? =p

u want to slap us? 

come lah! we're not even a tiny bit afraid of u guys!

who got bigger gangs than u guys? WE DO!

u only have ur stupid gang! 

but we have not just gangs! we have friends that like us just as we like them. Not like u guys!

we even have older friends! n even good at fighting guys! u guys wanna see them? sure! i can go n ask them to come n slap u guys! they r not afraid of teachers too!

just let me noe through my shout box~ 

y don't u guys go n flirt with the Pri 6 de? OH i noe! cause they r younger than u? u guys like to date older guys kah? I thought u all like to date any guys that stand in front of u? even gays!  who agree with me? =p

Did we even say u guys b*tch? go wash ur mouth lah~ say us

which one of ur eyes saw that i wrote u guys b*itch? ur eyes blind kah? i think yes!

we didn't even say u guys b*tch cause we're trying to respect u..well looks like u guys don't need any respect from us from the beginning~ thats a relief~ cause i don't want to respect u guys too!

OMG! y ur english n chinese so stupid? write till we didn't even understand! in my gang have all three(important) subjects de pro zai~ want to fight with them?

u ask us we pro than u? the answer is yes! we r not like u guys....flirt with other people! we have better grades than u guys did! we r in B class ok!? u guys r in C or D! not better than us kan? if its better than only i'll say sorry to u guys! but then its commonsense that B is better than C or D!

U say my friend YZL! stop bullying her! she's a very good person! not like u guys! stop acting like u like her!

k~ gonna stop here~ if there's more.....i'll edit~ =p


Miri! =D

Yesterday went to Miri~ as u all noe....cause i mentioned it in the last post =p

Had a lot of fun! but then around the feet started hurting because of the shoes -.-

but then still had a lot of fun! =p now my feet got bruises le >.<

I didn't really did anything in Miri.....just went shopping with my sister n my mother~

we can't buy clothes one! cause my mother said that we have too....many clothes le! >.< but then i don't think so ah~ some r the old ones le! =p

but then in the end we bought JUST 1 clothes only.....=p

ok~ nothing to post le~ gonna show u guys some of the pictures i've took~ only 1 pictures isn't the things i've bought~ HAHAHA =D

[look! there's a lot of me!!!! HAHAHA =D =p]

 [i bought the SS501 de book just to read bout 'Super Junior' & ' F.Cuz' HAHAHA =p]

by: WanFang

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



me n daddy[sing siew] siao liaw!!


we kept on flooding each other's wall


he says he wanted 99 notifications.. but i can't post tat much! LOL hmm.. if anyone ishh interested .. help me post something on his wall then~ WAHAHAHAH

errmm today had a great day cause we had JAVELIN for PE!


we sweat a lot though~ but it's OK! :pp

erm.. went bak home .. slept for 15 mins saja then have to wake up sudah cause i need to doo maa homeworkk..-.-'''' kasian..T.T

even though i'm tired but still have to do maa homework~ but NVM! cause i'm going MIRI tomolo! :pp just like wat fang just posted :DD

hmm.. have two video wanna show euu guys tat i luv soo damn much :p

enjoy! :

i need a girl - Tae Yang ft G-Dragon

Ridin' Solo - Jason Derulo

nice kan nice kan??


well i think it's nice :pp

cause i luv he's dance move :pp

tat's all then byexx~

bak to flooding wallS! :DD



u guys r afraid of us? GOOD!

we're ur senior so u better be afraid of us!

U have to respect us too!


don't noe what to write bout u guys le....HAHAHA cause nothing happened after what i've blog bout u guys.....maybe u guys did read 'dao' my blog....good~ =D

hmm......oh ya!

YA! tomorrow not going to tuition cause i'm gonna go MIRI! but then for 1 day boring de -.-

n also so little time to shop =p

at least lah~

this year i seldom go out country ah! going to Miri already good le lu =D ^.^ nothing really happen lah~

came back home n study nia~ also got take nap lah~ but then after that study >.<

i drank "Grass Jelly Drink" ! love that drink so muchie cause can drink n also can eat the jelly!

2 in 1 leh~ HAHAHA =D

[tada! while i was drinking grass jelly drink, i did my science homework! =p]

Then after a while(kind of a long time ^.^) i drew words in my notebook~ so that i could take pictures n post it in my blog~


gonna let u guys see it =p

[i love u]

[i love u + i miss u]

[i love u + i miss u]

nice mah? i don't noe.....HAHAHA

i drew it myself so its not very nice de lah~ i'm not pro in drawings -.- =p


I just noe that Frank is going to Miri tomorrow too!

WOOTS! hi-5 Frank!!! =p


wish can see u at Miri lah~

u noe guys.....i've never seen my friends in out country before -.- very hard ah! Not even in Miri before -.-

so kasian~ LOL! =p


Hai guys! HAHAHA

Sorry! i haven't been blogging these days~ =p
Cause i'm bz with studying n also.....reading "LOVE FOR VENUS"!!!!!

Its a romance comic!!!! I love that book so muchie!!!! >.<

Its so sweet =p

the last post that i've posted is not good right? but that's the truth so i can't change it~ =p
they r so......B*ITCHY! 

Have them so very very very very much! >.<
We already told one of our teacher n now we're gonna complain it to another teacher(which is out form teacher n also the Y7C & D's commerce teacher!) so that means they r so busted! 

WOO HOO!!! =p

blogging of course....n also reading other people's blog which i also love! cause they r so telling the truth too! =p
umm......nothing to post bout neh~ =p

k~ gonna stop here now! sorry so short de post n also nothing to read bout~

*WISH IT'LL RAIN NOW TILL 10+ a.m !!!!! =p*

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

boring day.. AGAIN!

just came back from tuition :DD

lalalalala~ :pp

hmm.. wat happen just now? *re-freshing maa mind* OHH!! just now saw a super duper CUTE PUPPY!

starting story now :


*loading complete*


came down from tuition then myy driver ask me wat ishhh tat black black thing on the grass stirring? then i go n look at it luu but then when i was half way there... i quickly ran away cause i'm afraid tat it's a SNAKE! LOL

then asked rezel, fang, cynthia n jojo to pei woo.. then saw tat super duper CUTE PUPPY luu~ but then most of the body was covered with dirt..><.


*tears* :pp

we wanted to carry it to a safer place but then we were all afraid tat it got any disease .. soo no luuu.. kasian we can't help tat puppy.... T.T


this time myy post ishh RANDOM! no head no tail de tat story ><"" hopex euu guys don't mind

newest pichaa upload:

tataahhh~ :DD

Saturday, August 7, 2010



To Y7 flirters: Corsy, Chai Min Min, Michelle Ong!
Don't come down to our Y8 level ah!

u guys think u all beautiful kah?
i think sh*t is more better than u guys lah!

always come down n flirt with our Y8 boys only!

Y not go flirt ur level de?!
OH I NOE! cause none of them likes u guys!

Chai Min Min: its a good thing one of my friend go n rejected u last time!
even though my cousin accepted u~ that doesn't mean he really likes u! I heard that u hate him....hate him y still be his gf? go break up with him lah! I don't want to see my cousin get hurt because of u! I believe that my cousin can find a MUCH MORE better n MORE beautiful girl than u r! N also u're such a player! be my cousin's gf but go n like my other friend! Now that is super.........(don't noe how to express...too serious le!)

Corsy: its a good thing too! one of my friend rejected u! now he rejected u le~ u go hiao other boys from Y8 level lah? GO LAH! scared of what?! If anyone accepted u in our Y8 level~ then that guy is stupid!

Michelle Ong: OMG! U're the worst! no....maybe the three of u are all same worst! Don't go n hiao my BEST FRIEND'S BOYFRIEND ok?! U go find other guys lah! But don't every go find Y8 de! they r too good for u guys!

Luckily none of the good looking boys likes anyone of u guys!

*in this post..... hiao meaning flirt~ =p

i noe u guys will enjoy it! (meaning my friends! =p)

bye ya! =D
today been through a BORINGGG dayyy

nothing happen much todayy

lalala :DD

except for computer period!

hmm.. went to cp room just pay gamee hahaha. can't on 9 soo we played cooking academyy. HAHAHAHA. weng wen ko n cherng also played with uss hahaha we all had competition to see who got the most pointss hahaha

but of cause gurls always wins! LALALA but then they sometimes got win..T.T

pss.. the thing tat i wrote ishhh not vain! ><'' just soo euu guys noeess .. thishh ishh call telling the truth.. cause it's cooking! LOL


went to canteen n saw JOLENE!!! urgh! i miss her sooo DAMN MUCH! :DD

hahahaha at last i saw herrrr :DD

she's paktohhing with her boyfwenn woorrhh¬ hahaa :pp

tat's alll¬ baiixxxa :DD

Friday, August 6, 2010

extra classes~

Today i had extra classes~ i mean every friday not just today -.-

kinda bored......cause nothing to do -.-

today didn't rain again so i can't bring my jacket~ HAHAHA 

y am i so into bringing jackets to school? lol! i also don't noe  =p

then saw dao James ko ko! after school de shi hou of course! =p

then wave to him~ 

don't noe y today my gang supa sia! HAHAHA

but then love it when its like that~ =p

cause its fun but then i don't like it when its super loud! cause i don't like being the center or attention! >.<

ok~ after eating lunch with ma gang n also Ethan (my fake brother! =p) i went to tuition *of course with my sister *

at tuition did a lot of tatabahasa's work.....actually today was all about tatabahasa~

no karangan~ LOL!

my teacher told us (including other people going for tuition there) that we r good at writing karangan le so don't have to do so many -.-

then of course after tuition went back home~

n then took a nap until just now~ HAHAHA =D

very tired bwa =p

Thursday, August 5, 2010

fun fun fun! =p

Today during P.E period i had a lot of funnie! =p

We learn throwing "javelin"~
my class de boys very..... like not into it~ cause they kept on doing it wrongly or holding the Javelin wrongly~

my class de girls leh very good ah! listen to what teacher is saying 

*perasaan* =p
really bwa! >.<

i think lah~ me n one of my friend is very good at it~ better than all the girls in my class at least! LOL!
*perasaan* again! =p

but really bwa! but then RUBY & REZEL also great! 
teacher even complimented u guys! =p

when i came back home, i was supa tired but then can't go to sleep cause i have to do my commerce homework -.-
then after that~ me, ying my older sister, my mother n also my brother went out 'kia kia'~

it was very windy ah! so nice =p

 then my cats also followed us~ 
i tell u guys aH! they r like dogs cause when we go out 'kia kia' they will always follow us one! 

then when we go back home, they will always also follow us back!

my older sister told me that they have never seen before such cats! HAHAHA =D
i also never seen before like these kinds of cats but then i don't think its 'qi guai' =p

at night(meaning today....DUH! -.-) i accompany my mother to go to her line dance~

not me only of course! also ying n my older sister. my older sister drive the car lagi! =p

u noe! they also  have dance SuJu's sorry sorry & super girl n also Wonder Girls's nobody ah!

can't believe it right? =p
we was like singing along~ HAHA cause nothing to do =p

then at around......9:30 +(?) we went to eat lem tei(don't noe spelled correctly or not =p)

i drank teh C~ hot de~ =p

nice! =D
okie~ gonna stop here for now! its 11:09p.m n i still haven't sleep~

tomorrow have extra classes + tuition lagi ah! 
i'm gonna be very tired tomorrow! i'm sure bout it~ HAHAHA =p

bye ya guys! nightz! =p

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

stress!!!! =(

gah! so stress bout a lot of problems >.<

but then a little better le cause one of my problem is solve *thank god* 

 i just realize that this year i had a lot of stress leh.....

Last year maybe 1 or 2 only -.-


y these days there's nothing to post de? its like nothing came to my mind when i'm blogging....usually it will.....=(

nvm! i'll think of something!


oh ya! on Sunday my friends gonna perform in our school (CHMS)

because of the 88th aniversary of something (maybe our school is 88 years old le? =D)

i wish i could go! =p

but then don't noe i can or not.....cause on the 24th of August, CHMS students (the ones that r gonna have government test this year de) are gonna have another exams again.....haizzz.....

this year is all about studies only~ T.T

oh ya!

my parents said that we can go KK "IF" the puasa month is gonna start on thursday~ 

if not.....then cannot go lu~ T.T


i don't want to always just stay at home n study only~ i'll go crazy one ah! (choi!!!! )


it seems like long time didn't post any videos in my blog le right? HAHAHA sorry >.< =p

i'll post some videos A.S.A.P =D
