Thursday, August 19, 2010

2 down 1 to go~

2 oral has finish but still left one more~

that is : Bm n Chinese(my worst subject =p) is finish but English haven't~


still quite nervous ah! My english teacher warn us(Y8B - those who haven't had english oral) to pronouce the word 'th' , 'ed' , 's' n so on......correctly~ >.<

i don't noe if i'll forget it or not~ HAHAHA
cause when i get nervous.....i'll speak quickly~ >.<

even worst! when i get nervous i'll have tougue-tie~ 

so damn nervous! >.<

*change topic*
umm......the new Singapore movie is quite good! =D i love it~ (name: Together - chinese: Dang Wo Men Tong Zai Yi Qi)

there's this one guy! super hot! i think lah~ don't noe u guys think or not~ =D

He also act before at the 'Xiao Niang Re' one! I LOVE THAT GUY!


ok~ gonna stop here for now! =p
have to study liaw~ exam is getting closer n closer! *scary!* >.<

bye! =D
Have a nice day ya~ =p

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