Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I'm gonna have BM oral soon!

I'm not top 5 so i won't be going so early~ =p

Actually BM oral starts at 11:00a.m but then now its 11:06 le~ =p

good leh! but then i'll feel even more nervous! >.<

hate it so damn much!

I hate that feeling! DUH! who doesn't right? HAHAHA =D

Today Foo Ming have invited people go to her birthday party(including me of course! HAHAHA *perasan* =p) but then i can't go cause my parents going to KL so i can't go n also its almost exam le! >.<

*EXAM LAGI! -.-*

I really wish i could go! but then can't~ Foo Ming even rent a bouncer lagi leh! WATER BOUNCER LEH!

I wanna goo!!! >.<


kasian ah me! -.-

Later have tuition lagi =.=

wish later tuition i won't feel sleepy lo~ cause i'm gonna have oral till 1:30p.m~ then tuition starts from 3:00p.m till 5:00p.m~

i think i'll fall asleep~ HAHAHAH JK! =p

anyways~ gonna off now~ no mood to blog~ loL! no lah~ too nervous to think bout something to blog bout now~

bye guys!


*praying* >.O

CHAO!  ^.^V =D =p

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