Saturday, August 14, 2010




ok~ first of alll.....i still have some things to say to "THEM"

umm...u guys say that u wanted to come n slap us? but then today y didn't? of course because u guys scared lah! -.-

very kekdao ah!

CORNFLAKES! go use ur middle finger on one of my brother(fake)? F lah! don't noe the word "respect" kah?! u must respect ur seniors alright? ( to readers: getting kinda harsh liaw right? k~ gonna try not to get very harsh! >.<)

today~ all of us was waiting for u guys~ at our level but then u guys didn't come.... sien -.-

u guys say want to fight after school..... everybody go back home le lu~ how can? nobody wanted to fight le~ everybody don't want to waste their precious time just to u guys~ we all want to study too

u noe....i realize that i'm just wasting my time blogging bout u guys.....i'll stop after i finish posting this! but then if u guys get very harsh! i'll blog even worst de ah! =p

i don't want to waste my time on u guys liaw~ its not worth it -.-

n also ~ very sien liaw~ =p

k~ no more! =p

sorry ya readers! u guys have to read some harsh things again~ >.< i'll not blog anymore bout them liaw~ IF they get too harsh then only i'll blog =p


Yup! today i went to my sister's as well as my mother's aerobics place~

at first we was just going over there for fun~ cause nothing to do at home (very sien!) but then in the end we end up excercising too! HAHAHA!

no people one over there that's y we can go n excercise! free lagi de neh! no people cause = puasa month! =p

Its was very awesome! very tiring though(duh! -.-) 

n then now my right arm hurts a lot -.- so thats y i'm typing slower than last time~

Today~ at aerobics i got play with the balll.....use for excercising de one~ u guys noe? if not~ nvm~ HAHAHA =p

its was very hard though~ cause very hard to balance =p

then just now didn't eat dinner cause no appetite~ =p

after excerising some times i'll feel like this~ ^.^V


today we had out group dicussion! my group gotten 16/20~ the second highest i think~

i think we can get better marks de ! its all because of me! >.< i kept on saying "umm...Umm....Umm" 

GAH! too nervous! >.<

hate it! T.T

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