Friday, August 13, 2010

Miri! =D

Yesterday went to Miri~ as u all noe....cause i mentioned it in the last post =p

Had a lot of fun! but then around the feet started hurting because of the shoes -.-

but then still had a lot of fun! =p now my feet got bruises le >.<

I didn't really did anything in Miri.....just went shopping with my sister n my mother~

we can't buy clothes one! cause my mother said that we have too....many clothes le! >.< but then i don't think so ah~ some r the old ones le! =p

but then in the end we bought JUST 1 clothes only.....=p

ok~ nothing to post le~ gonna show u guys some of the pictures i've took~ only 1 pictures isn't the things i've bought~ HAHAHA =D

[look! there's a lot of me!!!! HAHAHA =D =p]

 [i bought the SS501 de book just to read bout 'Super Junior' & ' F.Cuz' HAHAHA =p]

by: WanFang

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