Saturday, August 14, 2010


K fine~ i'll listen to what xiao xiao told me to do....

i'll stop! but then if they did do anything more i'll continue to post bout them de oh! they make me do it de! >.<
sorry ya readers...u guys have to read such not good de post.....its a warning to them to never ever do these kind of things! n also must respect seniors! >.< 

i also hate their attitudes too! so .........[<= don't noe how to express~ HAHAHA =p]

my sister told me that u guys would think that we're fighting over the Y8 de boys~ but we're not! we r just protecting them from getting heartbroken! >.< they will be very sad de ah!

u guys don't like to see ur friends getting sad too right? i hate to see them like that~ =p
k gonna stop here for now! =p

bye! ^.^V

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