Friday, August 6, 2010

extra classes~

Today i had extra classes~ i mean every friday not just today -.-

kinda bored......cause nothing to do -.-

today didn't rain again so i can't bring my jacket~ HAHAHA 

y am i so into bringing jackets to school? lol! i also don't noe  =p

then saw dao James ko ko! after school de shi hou of course! =p

then wave to him~ 

don't noe y today my gang supa sia! HAHAHA

but then love it when its like that~ =p

cause its fun but then i don't like it when its super loud! cause i don't like being the center or attention! >.<

ok~ after eating lunch with ma gang n also Ethan (my fake brother! =p) i went to tuition *of course with my sister *

at tuition did a lot of tatabahasa's work.....actually today was all about tatabahasa~

no karangan~ LOL!

my teacher told us (including other people going for tuition there) that we r good at writing karangan le so don't have to do so many -.-

then of course after tuition went back home~

n then took a nap until just now~ HAHAHA =D

very tired bwa =p

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