Thursday, August 5, 2010

fun fun fun! =p

Today during P.E period i had a lot of funnie! =p

We learn throwing "javelin"~
my class de boys very..... like not into it~ cause they kept on doing it wrongly or holding the Javelin wrongly~

my class de girls leh very good ah! listen to what teacher is saying 

*perasaan* =p
really bwa! >.<

i think lah~ me n one of my friend is very good at it~ better than all the girls in my class at least! LOL!
*perasaan* again! =p

but really bwa! but then RUBY & REZEL also great! 
teacher even complimented u guys! =p

when i came back home, i was supa tired but then can't go to sleep cause i have to do my commerce homework -.-
then after that~ me, ying my older sister, my mother n also my brother went out 'kia kia'~

it was very windy ah! so nice =p

 then my cats also followed us~ 
i tell u guys aH! they r like dogs cause when we go out 'kia kia' they will always follow us one! 

then when we go back home, they will always also follow us back!

my older sister told me that they have never seen before such cats! HAHAHA =D
i also never seen before like these kinds of cats but then i don't think its 'qi guai' =p

at night(meaning today....DUH! -.-) i accompany my mother to go to her line dance~

not me only of course! also ying n my older sister. my older sister drive the car lagi! =p

u noe! they also  have dance SuJu's sorry sorry & super girl n also Wonder Girls's nobody ah!

can't believe it right? =p
we was like singing along~ HAHA cause nothing to do =p

then at around......9:30 +(?) we went to eat lem tei(don't noe spelled correctly or not =p)

i drank teh C~ hot de~ =p

nice! =D
okie~ gonna stop here for now! its 11:09p.m n i still haven't sleep~

tomorrow have extra classes + tuition lagi ah! 
i'm gonna be very tired tomorrow! i'm sure bout it~ HAHAHA =p

bye ya guys! nightz! =p

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