Wednesday, August 4, 2010

stress!!!! =(

gah! so stress bout a lot of problems >.<

but then a little better le cause one of my problem is solve *thank god* 

 i just realize that this year i had a lot of stress leh.....

Last year maybe 1 or 2 only -.-


y these days there's nothing to post de? its like nothing came to my mind when i'm blogging....usually it will.....=(

nvm! i'll think of something!


oh ya! on Sunday my friends gonna perform in our school (CHMS)

because of the 88th aniversary of something (maybe our school is 88 years old le? =D)

i wish i could go! =p

but then don't noe i can or not.....cause on the 24th of August, CHMS students (the ones that r gonna have government test this year de) are gonna have another exams again.....haizzz.....

this year is all about studies only~ T.T

oh ya!

my parents said that we can go KK "IF" the puasa month is gonna start on thursday~ 

if not.....then cannot go lu~ T.T


i don't want to always just stay at home n study only~ i'll go crazy one ah! (choi!!!! )


it seems like long time didn't post any videos in my blog le right? HAHAHA sorry >.< =p

i'll post some videos A.S.A.P =D


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