Wednesday, August 4, 2010

gonna rain or not?

I don't think its gonna rain this morning hoo! T.T

me n my friends already said we'll all be bringing out jackets to school but then plan failed...-.-
can't bring jacket le! >.<

yesterday didn't bring but then go rain so long till i'm freezing cold~

today wanna bring jacket but then its supa hot (maybe)! 



these days don't noe y i always felt so sleepy~ maybe cause last time i kept on staying up late until 12 + then wake up early in the morning at around 5 or 5:30a.m to go to school~ 

I noe, i noe......its not good for my health~ i mean its bad~ HAHAHA =D

but then i wanna stay up late n watch movies with my sisters bwa~ its not always that i can do that~ moreover, my parents not at home de ah~ =p


now its 6:22a.m so that means i'm gonna go offline soon =p

bye! =D ^.^ =p


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