Tuesday, August 3, 2010



morning: wake up 5.30 did myy personal stuff then go school~

today ishh a freaking cold day! ><""

from yesterday night till morning the rain still haven't even stop yet -.-'' and i almost got LATE for school because the school was super JAM! -.-'''

haiixx . start studying thenn~

super cold.. but don't have jacket -.-'' soo kekedaoo..+.+""

hmmm... today got sciece paper bak! but i failed T.T *wailllss* tat makes me super bohh mood ><"""

in clazz. only 4 ppl pass -.-''' wat do euu expect? the science paper was super HARD!

after school went home.. then 2.40 go tuition :pp

today didn't do anything much. just a piece of paper about gradient, length, mid-point and something? LOL

then cher belanja us PIZZAS! hahahahahhahaha


-honey garlic

-BBQ something de? LOL



bought le $51.80 super EXPENSIVE! cher even bought 1 pepsi 1 sprit & 1 icecool for us to drink lehhh~


must thank cher nicely next time :DD

gonna get high marks in maths thenn~

but THANKX CHER!!! hahaha :pp

last: went home n start blogging.. hahaha

wat a boring day today~

tat's all~ baixxaa :33

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