Tuesday, August 3, 2010

so freaking cold!

OMG! the wheather today is freaking cold!>.<


maybe its my fault?

cause today when i was on my way to schooll......*in the car*

I wish that it would rain heavily~ =p

then it really did....i mean not rain heavily but then it rained very long time right? =p


i'm sorry if i did! =p


today wasn't very lucky for me cause i forgotten to bring my pencilcase...-.-

so i have to borrow some of my friends pen from them....very 'ma fan' =p


now watching CHMS's school in Seria de drama~ =p

i still like my school's drama though~ cause....i don't noe =D ^^.V

oK` gonna end here for now~ can't really concentrate now =p

bye! oh! n sorry i haven't been blogging for a long time~ >.<

bye ya! =D

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