Monday, August 2, 2010

school stuff


just came bak from schhooll~~ hahahaha

hmm... today came bak from school at 3.30 cause we had peer helpers!


hmm.. after lunch we went to library to talk talk talk talk~

talk about "understanding others"

it's quite relaxing actuuallyy~ ahaha

cause i can let my stress out to da teacher~

when i let out the stress~ i'll feel much more comfyy


dunno y?

maybe because the teacher isshhh easy to talk to~


we also complains about otherss~ then cher will give uss advise. hahahaha

the most unbelievable thing ishh tat we stay there and talk for 2 whole hourss OO

OMG hahahaha this ishh the first time i've talk thisshhh long with teacherxx~ lalalala :pp

talk till 3 then can go lee~ but then i have to wait till 3.30 cause koko have xtra claxx till 3.30.. haixxx

there super hot lagi lehh..T.T

but then elle n darlingx got pei wo menn~ hahhaha

see~ they soo nice wwarrhh~

lalala :pp

*change topic*

i felt sooo disappointed in youuu ><"

just wanna let euu noe

tat's all theenn~


ying yiing

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