Saturday, July 31, 2010

happy birthday jie! ♥ ♥ ♥


today's my jie jie's birthdayy~~

here's a song for euu jie:

Happy Birthday to euu

Happt birthday to euu

Happy Birthday to euuuu~~~

Happy birthday to EUU!!

wahahahah~ LOL i noe i'm reli lamee..><" :pp

ohh welll~

btw jiee~ i'm sowi tat euu've been left out today ~

hahaha euuu must understand de lahhh~ we have school in da morning n tuition in da afternoon~ hahaha n when we came bakk~ i couldn't help it but fell asleepp.. cause i was too tired because of yesterday~ haahha we stayed up till 12.30 eventhough i was soo tired~


I stayed till thisss late just to be the first 1 to send euu HAPPY BIRTHDAY in facebook~ LOL

well~ at least we went out for dinner todayy~

hahaa we went to a korean restaurant.. forgot da name lee~ haahha sowiiiii :pp

errmmm.. the food there ishhh quite good for ma parents and ma sister~ but FOR ME i don't reli like it.. hahah cause i dont' reli noe how to eat korean food!? ><""

gave euu our pwesent leee~ like it mahhh jiiee? hahaha

to readers:

we gave her a handmade photo book~ filled with photosss HAHAHA

errmm~ my koko gave her a necklace

my mummy gave her a ELLE purse

maa daddy gave her a car

n her fwenxx gave her her long wanted kungfu panda movie [chinese version] cause da panda's voice was her's favourite WILBER PAN's voice~ LOL

bttww~ wanna tell euu readers about something exciting!

my EX-BOYFREIND was sooooo ..ermm how can we put this.. LIAR??

yeshhh~tat's the best wordd to discribe him~haha Lalalala

well here goess~

first~ he goes n tell eveyone tat he's been flirting me n playing me~but actually he's too... errmm.. i dont' have the rite word to describe him for thiss~

ohh welll~

second~ he told everyone tat HE broke up with mee~but actually~ i BROKE up withh him~ lalalala i can even post the message we've been sending each other but i dont'wanna be tat meann~ :pp

he even begged for me to not break up with him~but.. well~i still have too lalalalalalal :33

weell~tat's all for todayy~

baixxa :pp

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