Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday jie! =D

Jie Happy Birthday!!!!!

although u're just right near me but i still need to wish u in blog!

I'm the first one to say "Happy Birthday" to u but then the second one in facebook as u noe y~ HAHAHA =D
Happy Birthday to u,
Happy Birthday to u,
Happy Birthday to my dearest sister!,
 Happy Birthday to u! =p

We made u a birthday present! as u already noe that but then we can't give u yet!

cause it's not yet done~ mummy daddy haven't come back home so we can't do finish it =p
U must appreciate it ah! cause we spent a lot of money to make it~ n also a lot of time(its ok to use up my time cause nothing to do at home~ =p) n also we think bout the decorations till our brain went dry le~(JK!!!! HAHAHA won't happen de -.-)
see jie i so good ah!

Alone in the study room.....u guys one with me....
just to blog for u! HAHAHA =D

i'm not at all scared lah~ so don't worry =p


Hope u'll like ur present that u're gonna receive today =p
but then don't noe what time~ =D

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