Wednesday, August 11, 2010



u guys r afraid of us? GOOD!

we're ur senior so u better be afraid of us!

U have to respect us too!


don't noe what to write bout u guys le....HAHAHA cause nothing happened after what i've blog bout u guys.....maybe u guys did read 'dao' my blog....good~ =D

hmm......oh ya!

YA! tomorrow not going to tuition cause i'm gonna go MIRI! but then for 1 day boring de -.-

n also so little time to shop =p

at least lah~

this year i seldom go out country ah! going to Miri already good le lu =D ^.^ nothing really happen lah~

came back home n study nia~ also got take nap lah~ but then after that study >.<

i drank "Grass Jelly Drink" ! love that drink so muchie cause can drink n also can eat the jelly!

2 in 1 leh~ HAHAHA =D

[tada! while i was drinking grass jelly drink, i did my science homework! =p]

Then after a while(kind of a long time ^.^) i drew words in my notebook~ so that i could take pictures n post it in my blog~


gonna let u guys see it =p

[i love u]

[i love u + i miss u]

[i love u + i miss u]

nice mah? i don't noe.....HAHAHA

i drew it myself so its not very nice de lah~ i'm not pro in drawings -.- =p


I just noe that Frank is going to Miri tomorrow too!

WOOTS! hi-5 Frank!!! =p


wish can see u at Miri lah~

u noe guys.....i've never seen my friends in out country before -.- very hard ah! Not even in Miri before -.-

so kasian~ LOL! =p

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