Saturday, August 7, 2010



To Y7 flirters: Corsy, Chai Min Min, Michelle Ong!
Don't come down to our Y8 level ah!

u guys think u all beautiful kah?
i think sh*t is more better than u guys lah!

always come down n flirt with our Y8 boys only!

Y not go flirt ur level de?!
OH I NOE! cause none of them likes u guys!

Chai Min Min: its a good thing one of my friend go n rejected u last time!
even though my cousin accepted u~ that doesn't mean he really likes u! I heard that u hate him....hate him y still be his gf? go break up with him lah! I don't want to see my cousin get hurt because of u! I believe that my cousin can find a MUCH MORE better n MORE beautiful girl than u r! N also u're such a player! be my cousin's gf but go n like my other friend! Now that is super.........(don't noe how to express...too serious le!)

Corsy: its a good thing too! one of my friend rejected u! now he rejected u le~ u go hiao other boys from Y8 level lah? GO LAH! scared of what?! If anyone accepted u in our Y8 level~ then that guy is stupid!

Michelle Ong: OMG! U're the worst! no....maybe the three of u are all same worst! Don't go n hiao my BEST FRIEND'S BOYFRIEND ok?! U go find other guys lah! But don't every go find Y8 de! they r too good for u guys!

Luckily none of the good looking boys likes anyone of u guys!

*in this post..... hiao meaning flirt~ =p

i noe u guys will enjoy it! (meaning my friends! =p)

bye ya! =D

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