Monday, August 23, 2010


Yup I'm gonna be on hiatus from today onwards!

*haitus: a pause in activity when nothing happens*

cause its 1 more day then its exam time for Y8!

Form 5 de is already having test liaw~ HAHAHA

I'm so freaking scared boutt the examssss >.<

I wish i could get high marks! at least above 70% but then chinese no hope de -.-
Lol =p

Yesterday i had chicken chop for dinner! as u all noe.....if u guys added me in facebook =p
its so damn delicios! =DDD

my mum also prepared side dishes like : mash potato.....salads......french fries......breads! 

I don't have to go out n eat western food lu~ ask my mum cook then excellent liaw~ HAHAHA =D =p

OMG! so fat right those foods? YA!

I'm gonna go exercise even more le!!!!!!

These days i'm exercising ah~ good leh =p

mission(for exercising) still going~ ^.^V i'm gonna have my last oral! which is english oral

It'll be easy! at least easier than BM n chinese oral right? =D
wish me luck guys! 

note to self: remember to sound the 'th', 's' , 'ed' n so on~ HAHAHAHA =p

bye ya! ^.^ =p

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