Wednesday, September 1, 2010

something other than tat

woots woots

it's the second last day of test!



just have GEO n MIB left for tomolo~ wahahahah

today had chinese test.. for me quite easy.. well.. easier than last time~ hahaha but then need to see if the teacher will give me high marks o not de..><"" *wailss* hope soo..:pp

in HALL .. SUPER COLD!! <-- freezing to death .... hmm.. i wonder how those ppl without jacket de survive? LOL

maybe they're PRO!!! :33

today myy botel de cap fell.. now cannot use liaw cause hui 'lou sui' T.T

need to buy new botel le~ *WEEEE*

but then need to wait till after puasa cause too many ppl le! ><"""


new pichaa for da dayy!! hahaha *vain* LOL

byexx thenn :33

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