Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1 more day! ♥


waited so long for the exams to end n its finally coming! just one more day to go!

i was thinking of going to Safiah's house~ n i asked the zarbohh through facebook message but then they haven't replied me -.-

I wish i could go leh! >.<

she just live near the school only so easy to walk to her housee~ =p

my brother going to his friends house also~ until 5 so maybe if i can go then i'll go until 5 too~ =D

maybe tomorrow can take many pictures n post it in blog le lu!
that is if i can go >.O



i vained a lot lately~ =p

gonna post some of it in here~

or else i'll be very boring -.- =p

ok or not....i don't noe~ HAHAHA =p

k gonna stop here for now~

tomorrow blog again ya!

i already though of 3 post that i'm going to blog bout tomorrow~ =D

don't want to blog now cause lazy >.O

bye bye! ^.^

i love u + i miss u guys~♥

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