Thursday, September 2, 2010

freedom! Until October that is~ =p

yeah! test is over!

now my cuzzy at my house~ cause their mum very bz =p

going to Safiah's house - failed


didn't get to go to my friend's house.....kasian T.T

kinda bored right now -.-

nothing to do~ HAHAHA =p

oh ya!

I saw a certain "someone" cheated in her/his exam today!

its! TWN (terbalik)! 

if u guys who noe who it is~ don't tell her!

i mean......tell her if u guys wanted to~ i'm ok with it =p wonder she got higher marks than my sister lah~ she always cheat! she even wrote the answers on her desk lah! O.O



don't wanna talk bout that le lah~ so lame -.-

gonna blog bout something new lah~ in another post of course~ =D

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