Friday, September 3, 2010

yesterday~ / today~

As u all noe~ my cuzzy came to my house yesterday! =p

took some pictures~ =p
n also i took one video but then don't want to post it in ma blog~

family stuff don't have to post bout it de~ 
Family stuff = *top secret*

I had a lot of fun! it when my cousin come to my house! ^.^V
gonna post some of the pictures in here~ =D

End of yesterday~

for today! =p

Today ying ying brought our camera to school! =p
reason = taking pictures with friends! =D

gonna show u guys those pictures too! ^.^
 me n dee xiang~ JUST FRIENDS AH! don't simply think! HAHAHAHA =p

 me talking to one of my friend - Jian

 Jian laughing~ i forgotten y liaw~ =D ^.^V

 Ying ying eating kolomee =p


 wasted fries on the table~ dee xiang bwa~ very careless~  LOL! =p

 Jian wearing songkok! =p

n also kept on saying he's puasa-ing so cannot eat in front of him~ kekdao right? =p

because of elle~ then can post it in here! thankz elle! =p

 dee xiang eating fries =D

chilli n mayonaise mixed together~

abover master piece done by Elle n dee xiang~ 
very disgusting ah! HAHAHA =p

oh ya! my mother n sister is going to Japan today~ flight at 3p.m+
now they waiting at airport~

they haven't even get on the airplane n i'm missing them so muchie le~ T.T

n also! some of my friends in Yew Cheng's house now~

because of a farewell party~

yup~ Yew Cheng is not gonna be in CHMS liaw~ sad kan? 

i'm going to miss him so muchie! T.T

i think a certain 'someone' is gonna miss him even more~


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