Tuesday, April 27, 2010

computer lab 3~ / Mid Year Exam O.O

I'm in the computer lab 3 right now~

Wee~ =p

I had a lot of fun today although the break was just over~ but still haha~ =p

I can't online these days le!


N the reason is because i'm gonna have Mid-Year Exam le~ =(

Boooo right?

everybody : YEAH!

Haizz...... sien eh~

Need to study all day long only =.=

Later i'll be crazy ah~ (choi!!!!!)


sad also ah these few days~

cause oe of my close friend went to KK le~

She's not going there for holiday only~ she's moving to KK~

N not coming back~ =(

I mean she will be coming back but have to wait so damn long! =.=

She told me that she will be coming back after the MYE or in the coming holidays~

n that a long time we(her classmates, including me =D) all have to wait =.=

nvm lah~

at least she's coming back instead of ......not =p

We all miss her a lot cause she's......very fun to be with?


I think rezel VERY VERY sad~ she even cried when she went le~

I ALMOST cried but didn't of course =p

Rezel still haven't stop being emo~ but ok ok le lah today~ =D

gonna stop here le~ although i don't feel like stopping but then i have nothing to blog le~

bye bye~ =D

Thursday, April 22, 2010



Me n my partner Yi Jun won GOLD MEDAL!!!!!!


We didn't even play quarter-final n semi-final (but we just play the 1st round n final round) then we won le!!!!!!

I'm so happy!!!!

I want to thankz a lot of my friends for supporting me!

especially yi jun also!

She's good at badminton~


She's excellent in badminton! =p


I'm so damn happy!

First time got gold medal leh~


Maybe next year i'm gonna join badminton again~


If my mother let's me~ =p


Now doing my commerce project~ *due date : tomorrow(friday- 23-4-2010)

last minute do~ lol! =p

oh ya n!!!!


Hope u'll have a great day! =p


i'm gonna end here le~

Gonna continue doing my commerce project~

tata~ =p

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NO!!!!!! T.T

Today i can't go to the badminton competition!

Cause i have tt today~
I got tell my mum it's just today n tomorrow but then oh!

My mum wouldn't let~
She said "almost exam le!"
So in the end~ still can't T.T

I haven't even find someone else to replace me ah!

Maybe will ask my partner to call her friends or something else~ =(

I wanna go!!!!!!!


Only these 2 days nia also cannot~ T.T

I can't even win  a medal lah!

I wanna win  a gold medal or even silver OR even bronze~ =(

no mood liaw~ bye =.=

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tuition / Good luck for badminton competition! =p


Today after tt lah~

we(t.wanying, cynthia, me n ying) all laugh till crazy ah!

because oh~

There's this 2 malay girls~

They wanted to go upstairs to tt also mah~

But then oh, this one dog lah like really like them~

But then oh~ u all noe, malays hate dogs......maybe also scared(?)

So these 2 malay girls scream  n ran into the car~

the oh!

T.wanying pointed at them n laugh so loudly ah!

We all very embarrassing but then oh~

we can't quit laughing!


after the dog went away lah~

They all scream(lagi) then ran up the stairs


I don't think i say like that very funny leh~

U guys have to watch it then u will noe it's REALLY VERY funny!

after they ran up the stairs then we still continue laughing ah~


nvm~ it's not funny for u guys =.=


I'm doing my commerce project right now~ bored weh~

oh ya!

Tomorrow i'm having badminton competition!

Wish me luck ya! =p

I'm playing double~

kasian not playing single =(

I don't even noe how to play double laH~

but last time teacher got let me practice le~ =p

n also i have train with my other friends =D


Saturday, April 17, 2010


bored weh now! T.T

Nothing to do~


Today at school during  BM period, we laugh till our stomach hurts a lot ah!~

I mean for Y8B =D

cause teacher kept on making us laugh~ ^.^V

Then oh!

Today Teacher Po Alwin complimented Y8B! *yeah!*

he said that oh~

his always happy when he went into our class cause we noe how to respect him like when he came in, we stand up then bowed then greet him~

Teacher said that he like that cause he said oh~ being a teacher is very stressful~

we're all very proud!

no lah~

just happen cause teacher complimented us =D

Teacher say lah~ he force all of the other classes that he'd teach to be like us~

So from yesterday on~ they all respect cher =D


Now not really bored le~ cause have many people chat with me

yeah! =D

anyways gonna end here~ =p

bye~ ^.^V

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Today at school got people come and discuss with us(Class A, B and C) about "Drugs are Harmful"

I learn a lot ah!

I even took notes =p

Gonna list it down but i just took some drugs de info only =D


Nickname:Horse, powder, putih Tepung, Cula Ising, White.
Effects: Kidney, Bones in our body(Arthriris)
*if u got caught for taking 15 grams or more to other countries, u'll suffer death penalty!*


Nickname: Nasi Lemak, Ajinomoto..........(and more but i forgot)
*if got caught taking 50 grams or more to other countries, suffer death penalty!*


Nickname: Gulaian, rumput, sayur, grass, joint, serunding.
Effects: lung cancer, Xerostomia, mouth cancer, bloodshot eyes
*if got caught taking 500grams or more to other countries, suffer death penalty!*

*if got caught, 20 years in prison and 10 lessons of canning!*
(very serious!)
effects: Miosis(Biji Mata Kecil), cause hands to shake uncontrollably

*5 years in prison and 3 lessons of canning if got caught!*
Nicknames: Blues, Biru TP10, Permata Biru, Ella, Butang

Nickname: "X"
effects: Hearts attacks, increase in blood pressure

These are what i've learn today~ lol! =p

Still have more de, but then some didn't take notes =D

Gonna end here now~

Sorry some are in Malay~ cause the PPT were all in malay~ some i already translate(at least) =D

bye =p

hope u guys will not take drugs~ ^.^V

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


[Wan Fang]

i noticed that my last post was kinda umm........ scary(?)

But that was because i was really angry!

can't blame me wa =p


I just finish study history n commerce but just only half half nia~


now very tired T.T

Tomorrow no tt (BOOOO!!!!!)

but also (YEAHH!!!!) a little cause i can go for my badminton training earlier =p

Tomorrow will be a lot of fun de! ......i think lah~

cause many of me n ying ying's friends will be going too~

They all accompany us =D


gtg now~ have to continue with my history project or else i cannot sleep today~

lol~ jk but it's gonna be late if i didn't continue now~ =p

bye~ =D

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

hate u ah!

F lah!

Simply say people!
Didn't even noe her well then go n scold people liaw!

Heard from friends only nia then simply think!
Say people u have to think of urself then say people~ u also think of urself first lah! 


Will say more next time if i can think of anymore~ =p

bye bye~ =D

Sunday, April 11, 2010



Now i'm doing my History Project~

I'm running out of time le~ so i have to hurry~



Today my brother n his friends so kasian~

They all went to the Muara beach to play mah~( n also for our school's magazine) but then oh~ they don't noe how to built the fire to BBQ~

I think they tried for like an hour or more~ then my brother give up le so called my father~

When my bro called "de shi hou" la~ we were all eating our lunch~

So they have to wait~


In the end me, ying my father n my mother helped all of them cooked n also have Ethan lah~ =D

After helping them cook their food~ we all went home lu~

Then me n ying ying played badminton~

p.s these days we kept in playing/training badminton cause i have badminton competition which i don't noe when =p

N also!

These days kept on need to raining ah~ so it's very windy T.T

so very hard to play badminton =(


I'm gonna stop here cause i need to continue to do my history project~

tata~ bye =p

Saturday, April 10, 2010



sorry guys long time didn't post le~

cause my desktop gila le~

don't noe y cannot use the e-speed over there but can use at laptop~ =(

now the desktop at shop reformating~

These days very bored ah!

cause my television also sot sot le~

cannot switch it on~


i'm ending here cause nothing to blog le~ =D

bye bye 

nightz everyone =p

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools!

=.= ah today!

I've been fooled 6 times by my friends / sistarz + 1 time from my aunty(maid)


I've been fooled 2 times(same thing) from my friends~


y me so dumb T.T


Today after P.E we went to hall( we didn't even noe we have to go de)

then talk bout "when have fire what to do?"

It's quite confusing for me cause i don't noe which fire extinguisher to use~


There's a lot of different kinds~

it's quite boring for me too~


Then on Saturday Miss Sim not coming because of personal reasons~

That only me, joelle n maybe cynthia or rezel or kally noe~ lol =p

n now plus ying le~ lol =p


Tomorrow joelle, shintinn n rezel coming to my house to do project~

I think were gonna use up a little time to do our projects ( cause we did a lot le) then a lot of time playing DDR!

lol =p

It's more fun playing DDR with friends then alone~




i have to go to sleep le~

cause tomorrow i have Friday class =(

sien ah~

need to add one more day to study T.T

but also happy lah cause i can meet my friends =p


nightz guys~


