Sunday, April 11, 2010



Now i'm doing my History Project~

I'm running out of time le~ so i have to hurry~



Today my brother n his friends so kasian~

They all went to the Muara beach to play mah~( n also for our school's magazine) but then oh~ they don't noe how to built the fire to BBQ~

I think they tried for like an hour or more~ then my brother give up le so called my father~

When my bro called "de shi hou" la~ we were all eating our lunch~

So they have to wait~


In the end me, ying my father n my mother helped all of them cooked n also have Ethan lah~ =D

After helping them cook their food~ we all went home lu~

Then me n ying ying played badminton~

p.s these days we kept in playing/training badminton cause i have badminton competition which i don't noe when =p

N also!

These days kept on need to raining ah~ so it's very windy T.T

so very hard to play badminton =(


I'm gonna stop here cause i need to continue to do my history project~

tata~ bye =p

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