Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools!

=.= ah today!

I've been fooled 6 times by my friends / sistarz + 1 time from my aunty(maid)


I've been fooled 2 times(same thing) from my friends~


y me so dumb T.T


Today after P.E we went to hall( we didn't even noe we have to go de)

then talk bout "when have fire what to do?"

It's quite confusing for me cause i don't noe which fire extinguisher to use~


There's a lot of different kinds~

it's quite boring for me too~


Then on Saturday Miss Sim not coming because of personal reasons~

That only me, joelle n maybe cynthia or rezel or kally noe~ lol =p

n now plus ying le~ lol =p


Tomorrow joelle, shintinn n rezel coming to my house to do project~

I think were gonna use up a little time to do our projects ( cause we did a lot le) then a lot of time playing DDR!

lol =p

It's more fun playing DDR with friends then alone~




i have to go to sleep le~

cause tomorrow i have Friday class =(

sien ah~

need to add one more day to study T.T

but also happy lah cause i can meet my friends =p


nightz guys~




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