Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Second day~...... and also all the other days~ =p

As u all noe......

I slept late but i woke up at 8:00a.m the next day~ which is the second day~
Then i realise .......

The weather over there VERY VERY HOT!
Now i can't fit into Brunei's weather cause here kept on raining.....
But ok lah~
just a bit cold for me =D
That day we went to a lot of places to visit my mother's bestfriends~
Then my mum also went to da salon to wash her hair( don't noe y don't want to wash her hair at home =.=)
Then one of my mum's best friend belanja us to go eat lunch =D
Then my mum say ok lu~ cause we seldom go back to Kelantan~
N also my mum can't reject it cause cannot fight with my mum's best friend~ lol! =p
anyways~ over there we chat chat chat~
She also brought her daughter with her, her daughter VERY VERY CUTE AH n also VERY VERY FUNNY!!!
But then oh~ very very naughty!

lol! =p
i don't want to blog one day in one post lah~
i will just simply mix all the stories in different days into one post =p
start now =p
One of the days~
We meet my mum's ex "qing ren" people who likes my mum last time~
Then oh he said that he wanted to introduced us to his son =.=""""
But then my mother said oh~
Cannot le cause we have a long long long list......a lot booking le~

then me n ying was like "KEKDAO!"
Then i told my mom "where got!" then mummy said "Have ah! u just don't noe~ At my dancing club have a lot of people booking already ah!"
Then my mum said her father didn't even succeeded in letting my mum choose him then how can his son succeed in it~?

Then me n ying said "MUMMY AH! Don't say people like that! It's not polite!" lol!
Then my mum said back "really ma~"
then me n ying again very very kekdao! =.=
my mum told to a lot of her friends n also relatives that a lot of boys chase us!
Then me n ying was like "where got! where got! It's not true! T.T "

i don't want to talk bout that le cause very very kekdao! =(
A lot of the days we went out to eat~ only one day we ate at one oh my uncle's house~


So that means i have to go on diet le!

or else i'll become fatter n fatter!
ok! i'm gonna jump to the last day(which is today~ the 27 of march).

When we got into the flight going back to Brunei~

There was this family very very "ma fan"

i think lah~

He kept on pressing the button for calling the staff.

N it's a few minutes call one time~

I think all those staff thinks it's very very annoying but didn't show it lah of course~

I can't even sleep properly in the aeroplane cause keep on hearing "DING" "DING" "DING"! =.=

anyways.....i'm not gonna talk bout anything le cause nothing interesting happen le~ i'm just gonna post pictures.....

starting right now =p

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