Saturday, March 27, 2010

Frist day in Kelantan~


I don't really like my first day~.......(actually i don't think it's count as my first day~)


My flight was at 3:00p.m but then delay till 4:30.....
So that means!

I'm late for my transit flight to KB.

So i had to take another flight which is at 10:35p.m.~


the staff working in the ariport gave me, ying n my mum a voucher to go n eat our dinner in Burger King (i don't like Burger King but not choice).

When we had finish eating, my mum wanted to call my uncle cause we need to ask him to pick us up~ so we went to use the public phone....


We don't noe how to use =.=

We all blur blur de~

After a long long long time (i help my mum until i became angry =.=) my mum ask someone to help us =D

So in the end *of course* we called our uncle 

then we "an xing le"

We arrived at Kelantan at around 11:30p.m +

Then i had to sit in the car for around 1h 30 min?

(in the car....)
U noe!!!!

I dreamt of meeting SJ in Kelantan! 

Especially RYEOWOOK!

But then i noe it won't ever ever happen =(


The important thing was.......we arrived at around 2a.m +
N that day took almost all day!

I don't even have time to play with my uncle's dong "TiTi"    T.T

It's kinda boring for my first day~.....=D

anyways i'm gonna post one day in one post =p

so it's the end for my first day~.....

to be continue .................=p

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