Sunday, March 21, 2010

Geo Project~

[Wan Fang]


Today we had a lot of fun~

But it decrease when joelle went to Miri at 12:00p.m~

N it decrease even more when Ruby went home around 4:00p.m

They all ( Joelle, Rezel, Cynthia, Kally, Ruby n Kong Yuan Hao a.k.a ah kang) came to my house at around 10:00a.m.

Cynthia was the first, 2nd came Joelle then 3rd was Kally. 
*I'm just gonna list out the top 3 =p*



I forgot to tell u guys something!


When ah Kang came, he didn't ring the bell so we didn't noe he came le~

Then oh~ i went out to check if there's anyone coming, I saw ah Kang standing outside my house~

I quickly went in to call my friends~

*i thought it's some guy~*

Then oh~ they all laugh cause i thought that it was a bad guy =.=

It's very embarrassing u noe =.=


After that~

We started doing our GEO project~.......

around 11:00a.m we played DDR cause joelle needs to go to Miri at 12:00p.m. It's kinda fun i think ^.^

Then my mum called us to go eat our lunch le~

P.S we had my mum's homemade oreo cheescake n aslo pizza bread

yum yum ^^ =D

Joelle only ate around 3 bites then her parents came le~

So we *ta pao* the pizza bread for her =p

Her mother said thank you~ Isn't she kind lol~ =p

Then we continued eating~

We all forced ah Kang to eat one more pizza bread (actually it's two more but then we can all see that he can't eat finish cause he ate breakfast already). lol!

After eating our lunch~


We continued doing our project~  but some continued playing PS2 or DDR~

Some time later~

Ying ying went to our room to take a rest~

Then oh~ cynthia n kally went up to wake ah ying up!


Ying ying said lah if they didn't pull away her blanket she will definitely went back to sleep~

haha~ =p


Nothing interesting/fun happen le leh~

Umm......oh ya~ Ruby forgot to bring back her notebook =.=


nothing to blog le!

gonna stop here......although i told u guys half half only~ =D

lol~ ^.^

tata~ =D

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