Thursday, April 15, 2010


Today at school got people come and discuss with us(Class A, B and C) about "Drugs are Harmful"

I learn a lot ah!

I even took notes =p

Gonna list it down but i just took some drugs de info only =D


Nickname:Horse, powder, putih Tepung, Cula Ising, White.
Effects: Kidney, Bones in our body(Arthriris)
*if u got caught for taking 15 grams or more to other countries, u'll suffer death penalty!*


Nickname: Nasi Lemak, Ajinomoto..........(and more but i forgot)
*if got caught taking 50 grams or more to other countries, suffer death penalty!*


Nickname: Gulaian, rumput, sayur, grass, joint, serunding.
Effects: lung cancer, Xerostomia, mouth cancer, bloodshot eyes
*if got caught taking 500grams or more to other countries, suffer death penalty!*

*if got caught, 20 years in prison and 10 lessons of canning!*
(very serious!)
effects: Miosis(Biji Mata Kecil), cause hands to shake uncontrollably

*5 years in prison and 3 lessons of canning if got caught!*
Nicknames: Blues, Biru TP10, Permata Biru, Ella, Butang

Nickname: "X"
effects: Hearts attacks, increase in blood pressure

These are what i've learn today~ lol! =p

Still have more de, but then some didn't take notes =D

Gonna end here now~

Sorry some are in Malay~ cause the PPT were all in malay~ some i already translate(at least) =D

bye =p

hope u guys will not take drugs~ ^.^V

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