Wednesday, April 14, 2010


[Wan Fang]

i noticed that my last post was kinda umm........ scary(?)

But that was because i was really angry!

can't blame me wa =p


I just finish study history n commerce but just only half half nia~


now very tired T.T

Tomorrow no tt (BOOOO!!!!!)

but also (YEAHH!!!!) a little cause i can go for my badminton training earlier =p

Tomorrow will be a lot of fun de! ......i think lah~

cause many of me n ying ying's friends will be going too~

They all accompany us =D


gtg now~ have to continue with my history project or else i cannot sleep today~

lol~ jk but it's gonna be late if i didn't continue now~ =p

bye~ =D

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