Saturday, April 17, 2010


bored weh now! T.T

Nothing to do~


Today at school during  BM period, we laugh till our stomach hurts a lot ah!~

I mean for Y8B =D

cause teacher kept on making us laugh~ ^.^V

Then oh!

Today Teacher Po Alwin complimented Y8B! *yeah!*

he said that oh~

his always happy when he went into our class cause we noe how to respect him like when he came in, we stand up then bowed then greet him~

Teacher said that he like that cause he said oh~ being a teacher is very stressful~

we're all very proud!

no lah~

just happen cause teacher complimented us =D

Teacher say lah~ he force all of the other classes that he'd teach to be like us~

So from yesterday on~ they all respect cher =D


Now not really bored le~ cause have many people chat with me

yeah! =D

anyways gonna end here~ =p

bye~ ^.^V

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