Tuesday, April 27, 2010

computer lab 3~ / Mid Year Exam O.O

I'm in the computer lab 3 right now~

Wee~ =p

I had a lot of fun today although the break was just over~ but still haha~ =p

I can't online these days le!


N the reason is because i'm gonna have Mid-Year Exam le~ =(

Boooo right?

everybody : YEAH!

Haizz...... sien eh~

Need to study all day long only =.=

Later i'll be crazy ah~ (choi!!!!!)


sad also ah these few days~

cause oe of my close friend went to KK le~

She's not going there for holiday only~ she's moving to KK~

N not coming back~ =(

I mean she will be coming back but have to wait so damn long! =.=

She told me that she will be coming back after the MYE or in the coming holidays~

n that a long time we(her classmates, including me =D) all have to wait =.=

nvm lah~

at least she's coming back instead of ......not =p

We all miss her a lot cause she's......very fun to be with?


I think rezel VERY VERY sad~ she even cried when she went le~

I ALMOST cried but didn't of course =p

Rezel still haven't stop being emo~ but ok ok le lah today~ =D

gonna stop here le~ although i don't feel like stopping but then i have nothing to blog le~

bye bye~ =D

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