Saturday, May 15, 2010

Exam over~ Mall on ma way!


exams is ova(over)

i mean its already over for umm.....3 days(?) 


N tomorrow i'm gonna go to "The Mall"! WOOTS!!!!!

It has been a very very very long time since i went to The Mall~

Even if i did go~ i only go there n eat foods only~ then go back home le~

lame leh these days~

nothing to do ah at home~

I'm gonna go to C class de class trip on saturday~ which means it's on 22 of May~

Then on 4 of June~ i'm gonna go to my class trip~ =D

Then my sister(wanying) is going to come with me~ woots! 

I'm gonna play till crazy ah~

Then oh~ ying ying de class trip can ride horse de ah~ so i will also play like crazy! woots! =p

I can't wait u noe! 

Wish the time will past quickly till 22 of May then on 22 of May the time will go by slowly so more time for me to play! HAHA! =p

bah~ i'm gonna stop blogging now~ 

bye bye~ =p

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