Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mall ova~ study still continues =.=

It's kinda fun today at The Mall~

But i'm very unlucky today......n also a little lucky! =p

The unlucky part was that i saw a person that i dislike a lot! But the lucky part was~ i saw a lot of ma friends! woots!

nono.....i don't dislike that person.....i only hate that person de attitude. n i hate her attitude a lot!

If u noe that person~ i'm sure u'll hate her a lot too~ =D

I promise u on that!


I bought some books(although i haven't finish one of the book that i've been reading lately but more books, then i can read longer! =)

I bought an earring too! i like it a lot! 


Hmm....... today for sure gonna have assembly~ cause all of the students in CHMS had already finish exams~

N also it'd been a long time since we have assembly~

I think i'm quite happy than last time~(maybe)

don't u guys think?

nvm~ u guys won't have to answer that cause i noe some of u guys don't noe me......maybe~ lol!=p

I'm gonna end here right now~ cause my sister is going to use it now~ so i can't continue to blog le =(

P.S: she's lazy to blog~ so that's y u guys keep on reading what i post only n what she didn't post~ She says she don't wanna blog le cause no time~ but she always read manga n won't blog =.=

k for now~

Chao~ =p

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