Sunday, July 31, 2011

♥♥♥♥♥♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIE! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Today is my sister's birthday! so that is why i'm so hyper active right now~
but i'm also so sleepy cause i played all day yesterday~ >.<

anyways~ today morning don't noe what we'll do together....maybe watch 'We Got Married'? =D 

i super duperly love that variety show a lot! <3 the afternoon.....i also don't noe what we'll do together....

lol! only at night then i noe what to do lah~ my paretns is gonna bring us to a restaurant name 'VillaMaurie' or something like that.....
lol! i only noe it starts with villa*something* LOL! =p

my daddy said that restaurant very expensive one oh....o.o but then we can have appetizers then the main course then we can have desserts~ =D
so what it's expensive right? it's my sister's birthday neh! =D

me and my sister prepared a birthday gift for my sister of course but then it's not that special as last time....T.T so not happy with it but then still it's special i think? =D
my sister is gonna turn 21 tomorrow! in chinese's culture~ it means a person is an adult at this age already~ =D

so it's a special day for my sister~ =D
was suppose to bake a cake for my sister for her birthday one but then......her friends bought her a very big + BEAUTIFUL one already so mummy said no need to bake le.....>.< 

nvm! at least we still gonna give her presents right? LOL! =D <3

p/s: i was gonna put a picture of me, ying and my sister one but then i can't seem to find any of our pictures in my sis's computer.....maybe it's in her pendrive~ >.O oh well~next time edit then okie le! =D <3

Saturday, July 23, 2011

sweet! :p

i can't on facebook! T__T #wailsss

dunno whyyy?maybe it's cause of dat stewpid virus! -.-!

that stewpid virus made both of myy pc got infected byy virus! T__T OMG! ><" the virus iss killing myy pc! T__T

but NVM! monday it's going to da hospitall~ weeeee :p

BUT i still have to wait soooooo long T__T

and worst of all! myy facebook got infected too!

it keep on sending messages sending "hi, how are you" to ppl i dunno T__T 

seriously im soo pissed off! at first i thought someone hacked into myy account but actually it's got infected~ i didn't noe it until one of myy on 9 friend told me~ hehehe

and now koko's going his friend's house for sleep over and daddy had dinner until 10++ and they left me and myy twin sister alone.. T__T sad! even worst! i can't on facebook! (sigh) what shall i do without facebook? T__T

p.s. not gonna upload pichasss~ cause i wait dao sleep liaw and still can't upload those pichass ><"" sowiii guysss! :p

Thursday, July 21, 2011

this is myy moment

im blogging im blogging! (cheers) heheeh :p 

recently i just made tummblr.. you noee.. some website.. erm.. actually i don't really noe wat's it's used for but it just look like a blogger type of thing but yet it also looks like twitter? well i dunno? hehe :pp

im totally into pink okayy~ :p

for me i still think twitter is better than tumblr ... guess it's cause im still not used to tumblr since i just made it a few days ago and no one's teaching me how to used it~ :3


im done with myy maths and bio moodle thingyyy~ cher said the marks are counted soo i quickly finished it this afternoon~ :) 

worried abouut the maths part cause it's quite hard? every ans i got from there is like different from the ans it's give .__.


you noe da gurl Rebecca Black? she recently she just sang a really nice song~ heehe and her voice iss better than da other song~ seriouslyyy~ check it out below! 

she even got prettier :p mwaahahh :p

to those haters in youtube~ i think this song is worth liking for~ haha :D

-end of da post-

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

so small then so famous already? D:

okie~ i still can't believe why do small kids have to become famous at such a young age? i mean~ they can't enjoy their childhood anymore! D: i bet when they grow up, they won't have any normal childhood memories to tell their children~ O.O

hmm....i mean not having a normal but a unique childhood is special of course....but will they have fun? i don't think so.......n also! they'll all be chasing by paparazzies or something~ or even get hated  by fans because they had a girlfriend/boyfriend~ it's sad to not be in a relationship you know? D:

anyways~ there's this younger-than-me kid~ 14 years old~
he's voice is awesome~ D: + his piano skills too! D:

he's first very own song i think is this:

and then his second one i think is this:

his voice is awesome ain't it ain't it? told you so! LOL! =D

oh ya! and Rebecca Black have a new song already! =D kinda nice~ i love the song~ ^^ =D

[p/s: mummy went out country so at home so boring.....>.<]


Saturday, July 16, 2011

i ran out of moisturizer yesterday~ -.- mummy went out shopping yesterday so she bought me another new moisturizer from SkinFood! LOL! =D YEAH! =D

i haven't use it yet~ but tonight can use le~ =D

it smells nice~ =D

mummy say it's expensive~ >.< 

anyways~ on Thursday night~ me + my family went to my dad's company partey~ =D

it was fun watching all those people taking nonsense because they got drunk~ but then also kinda boring cause Der Horng didn't go....although Hui Yi have~ but still.....p/s: both are my cousins~ =p


only *like* the song but HATE the MV~ -.-
the boy in that mv.....was it MBLAQ's Lee Chang Sun? o.o it is isn't it?! D:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dancing Competition! WOOTS!

went to my school's dancing competition~ had a lot of fun with Dar(Shin Tinn), Shyang and Sent Jay~ =D

i don't noe what time it started but i only went at around 8:30p.m~ because i don't wanna watch Primary's one~ i don't likey~ =p i like Secondary's one more~ =D

when i reached school then find Dar~ actually they found us~ LOL! =p then went to M.I.B's activity room to find cynthia, joelle, kally, corsy and the others~ =D

found le then went to hall and watched the competition~ as usual~ i don't like watching Primary's one~ then Secondary's one came out in just a while~ =D

Y9Sci's and Y9Express's came out first then some other groups~ then Y9A's and Y9B's and Y8's (some) came out! =D

shouted till i ran out of voice like that lah~ =p 

i love my their dancing lah! LOL! 

Y9Sci's is the WINNER! in the end~ 

then my class, Y9B's and Y8's(some) got SECOND PLACE! LOL! SO HAPPY FOR THEM LAH! =D

after the competition and the results and all the other stuffs lah~ wanted to take some pictures with all of them one! but then they all don't want except for corsy~ -.- kekdao ah! i wanted to take picture with cynthia, joelle and kally one! but then they don't want.....some too busy le.....haizz....LOL! =p nvm~ at least took some with Corsy! =D

pictures and videos time! =D

 Me and Corsy~ <3

 another picture of me and Corsy~ <3

me,ying and corsy! =D the one at the back is shyang but then i didn't took him~ LOL! =p

sorry! =D

okie i tried uploading the video of them dancing but then blogger can't seem to let me neh! >.<

hate it! i don't even noe y~ eshh! >.<


Saturday, July 9, 2011

City Parade-Brunei Darussalam

yesterday went to Taman Soas~ because of the City Parade thingi as i have mentioned in my last post~

actually was lazy to get up one...i mean who would want to get up at 5:30 in the morning on a Friday? (Friday, Friday, gettin' down on Friday~) but then i asked Zel to come so i must come! =p n also because i wanna see how it looks like.....never seen it before~ >.O that i've seen it~ it sucks~ -.- cause they all perform for our Sultan nia(DUH) their backs were facing us, at least face us sometimes eh~ but then even if they did face us and performs....we can't see them~ they were so far away lah! >.< 

i took some videos of some of their performances but then very blurr cause i have to zoom in....but my camera ain't that good one~ cause it's my sister's old one~ as in like very old one liaw......maybe more than 5-10years? LOL! or not? but i'm sure it's more than 5 years.....

so yeah~ so i don't wanna upload the videos but the pictures....okie lah~ =D

-from left to right then to center-
me, my form teacher, ying and zel! =D

jian and chuan~ =D

my school's band! WOOTS! =D *CHMS BAND*

got distracted by this bird~ LOL! cause it's the only bird standing in the middle of the field~ =D

see! the birdie again! =p

xiang's IPAD 2! lol! first time using it then i was like how to use de? LOL! =p

we was watching 2PM's Hands Up! LOL! LOVE THAT SONG TO THE MAX! <3

sorry for the very-bad-quality photo~ -.- 

but~ just enjoy it~ LOL! =D
