Sunday, July 31, 2011

♥♥♥♥♥♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIE! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Today is my sister's birthday! so that is why i'm so hyper active right now~
but i'm also so sleepy cause i played all day yesterday~ >.<

anyways~ today morning don't noe what we'll do together....maybe watch 'We Got Married'? =D 

i super duperly love that variety show a lot! <3 the afternoon.....i also don't noe what we'll do together....

lol! only at night then i noe what to do lah~ my paretns is gonna bring us to a restaurant name 'VillaMaurie' or something like that.....
lol! i only noe it starts with villa*something* LOL! =p

my daddy said that restaurant very expensive one oh....o.o but then we can have appetizers then the main course then we can have desserts~ =D
so what it's expensive right? it's my sister's birthday neh! =D

me and my sister prepared a birthday gift for my sister of course but then it's not that special as last time....T.T so not happy with it but then still it's special i think? =D
my sister is gonna turn 21 tomorrow! in chinese's culture~ it means a person is an adult at this age already~ =D

so it's a special day for my sister~ =D
was suppose to bake a cake for my sister for her birthday one but then......her friends bought her a very big + BEAUTIFUL one already so mummy said no need to bake le.....>.< 

nvm! at least we still gonna give her presents right? LOL! =D <3

p/s: i was gonna put a picture of me, ying and my sister one but then i can't seem to find any of our pictures in my sis's computer.....maybe it's in her pendrive~ >.O oh well~next time edit then okie le! =D <3

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