Saturday, August 6, 2011

thinkin' about my future

HELLO! =D yeah~ i noe......i haven't been blogging since my sister's birthday~ and it's a long time ago~ >.O =D

i have no time to blog~ >.O n also i have nothing to blog about......but since i've made a deal with my sisters about needing to blog something in a week time a long time ago (which did not happen but at least i'm blogging right now?) so i have to blog today~ =D

hmm......i just had a very serious talk with my sisters today~ me n ying asked about what we need to study in the future.......i'm so stress about it....cause i don't noe what i need to study~ after talking about it.....i'm still so blur about what i need to study~

it seems like i'm not VERY VERY good in at least 1 subject~ all my subjects are like o.k? not too good but not too bad......

so u now know y i'm so stress about it?

i'm gonna go Form 6 soon(although there's still 2 more years) but i still don't noe what to choose~ -.-

i'm so pissed at myself too~ for not very good in any subject~ i have to study hard in accounting, maths, english and bio now! i wanna study those maybe? 

will...cause i'm more good at those subjects i think? or not.....-.-

okie! i have finish blogging so now i need to go check some of my stuffs in facebook and twitter then go watch "WGM" with my sisters!!!!!!! =D

(p/s: YEAH! tomorrow can watch almost whole day cause it's a SUNDAY! <3)


[one of my close friend although sometimes he's annoying~ =p]

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