Saturday, August 13, 2011


I ish downloading 'realplayer' now! =D

know y? cause i wanna download videos....-.-

anyways....i haven't been blogging for so long? i think? lol!

nobody reads my blog one wat so what for i blog? LOL! =p

i noe....i'm using such broken english but nvm! i'm already always trying to use proper english~ =D

okie! i wanna show u some cute pictures of my super duper naughty cat but then damn cute one! =D

i love her a lot but i also hate her sometimes~ -.- because of her naughty-ness~ -.-

 my cat just LOVE playing inside my drawer~ -.-
but it's cute isn't it?! =D

 it's a temporary tattoo~ not a permanent one~ >.O 

 i'm sleepy....

you don't let me sleep, i'll ignore you! </3

she's bad.....=(

sad die me....LOL! JK! <3 =D

then.....Marcus lend me his BLUE angry bird to me last month for 2 days! <3 and so i took a picture with it! =D

  i purposely put my e-pop magazine at the background! =D SHINee!!!!! <3 <3 <3

tadahh! me n ze BLUE angry bird! <3


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