Saturday, July 23, 2011

sweet! :p

i can't on facebook! T__T #wailsss

dunno whyyy?maybe it's cause of dat stewpid virus! -.-!

that stewpid virus made both of myy pc got infected byy virus! T__T OMG! ><" the virus iss killing myy pc! T__T

but NVM! monday it's going to da hospitall~ weeeee :p

BUT i still have to wait soooooo long T__T

and worst of all! myy facebook got infected too!

it keep on sending messages sending "hi, how are you" to ppl i dunno T__T 

seriously im soo pissed off! at first i thought someone hacked into myy account but actually it's got infected~ i didn't noe it until one of myy on 9 friend told me~ hehehe

and now koko's going his friend's house for sleep over and daddy had dinner until 10++ and they left me and myy twin sister alone.. T__T sad! even worst! i can't on facebook! (sigh) what shall i do without facebook? T__T

p.s. not gonna upload pichasss~ cause i wait dao sleep liaw and still can't upload those pichass ><"" sowiii guysss! :p

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