Thursday, July 21, 2011

this is myy moment

im blogging im blogging! (cheers) heheeh :p 

recently i just made tummblr.. you noee.. some website.. erm.. actually i don't really noe wat's it's used for but it just look like a blogger type of thing but yet it also looks like twitter? well i dunno? hehe :pp

im totally into pink okayy~ :p

for me i still think twitter is better than tumblr ... guess it's cause im still not used to tumblr since i just made it a few days ago and no one's teaching me how to used it~ :3


im done with myy maths and bio moodle thingyyy~ cher said the marks are counted soo i quickly finished it this afternoon~ :) 

worried abouut the maths part cause it's quite hard? every ans i got from there is like different from the ans it's give .__.


you noe da gurl Rebecca Black? she recently she just sang a really nice song~ heehe and her voice iss better than da other song~ seriouslyyy~ check it out below! 

she even got prettier :p mwaahahh :p

to those haters in youtube~ i think this song is worth liking for~ haha :D

-end of da post-

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