Tuesday, July 19, 2011

so small then so famous already? D:

okie~ i still can't believe why do small kids have to become famous at such a young age? i mean~ they can't enjoy their childhood anymore! D: i bet when they grow up, they won't have any normal childhood memories to tell their children~ O.O

hmm....i mean not having a normal but a unique childhood is special of course....but will they have fun? i don't think so.......n also! they'll all be chasing by paparazzies or something~ or even get hated  by fans because they had a girlfriend/boyfriend~ it's sad to not be in a relationship you know? D:

anyways~ there's this younger-than-me kid~ 14 years old~
he's voice is awesome~ D: + his piano skills too! D:

he's first very own song i think is this:

and then his second one i think is this:

his voice is awesome ain't it ain't it? told you so! LOL! =D

oh ya! and Rebecca Black have a new song already! =D kinda nice~ i love the song~ ^^ =D

[p/s: mummy went out country so at home so boring.....>.<]


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