Saturday, July 9, 2011

City Parade-Brunei Darussalam

yesterday went to Taman Soas~ because of the City Parade thingi as i have mentioned in my last post~

actually was lazy to get up one...i mean who would want to get up at 5:30 in the morning on a Friday? (Friday, Friday, gettin' down on Friday~) but then i asked Zel to come so i must come! =p n also because i wanna see how it looks like.....never seen it before~ >.O that i've seen it~ it sucks~ -.- cause they all perform for our Sultan nia(DUH) their backs were facing us, at least face us sometimes eh~ but then even if they did face us and performs....we can't see them~ they were so far away lah! >.< 

i took some videos of some of their performances but then very blurr cause i have to zoom in....but my camera ain't that good one~ cause it's my sister's old one~ as in like very old one liaw......maybe more than 5-10years? LOL! or not? but i'm sure it's more than 5 years.....

so yeah~ so i don't wanna upload the videos but the pictures....okie lah~ =D

-from left to right then to center-
me, my form teacher, ying and zel! =D

jian and chuan~ =D

my school's band! WOOTS! =D *CHMS BAND*

got distracted by this bird~ LOL! cause it's the only bird standing in the middle of the field~ =D

see! the birdie again! =p

xiang's IPAD 2! lol! first time using it then i was like how to use de? LOL! =p

we was watching 2PM's Hands Up! LOL! LOVE THAT SONG TO THE MAX! <3

sorry for the very-bad-quality photo~ -.- 

but~ just enjoy it~ LOL! =D


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