Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dancing Competition! WOOTS!

went to my school's dancing competition~ had a lot of fun with Dar(Shin Tinn), Shyang and Sent Jay~ =D

i don't noe what time it started but i only went at around 8:30p.m~ because i don't wanna watch Primary's one~ i don't likey~ =p i like Secondary's one more~ =D

when i reached school then find Dar~ actually they found us~ LOL! =p then went to M.I.B's activity room to find cynthia, joelle, kally, corsy and the others~ =D

found le then went to hall and watched the competition~ as usual~ i don't like watching Primary's one~ then Secondary's one came out in just a while~ =D

Y9Sci's and Y9Express's came out first then some other groups~ then Y9A's and Y9B's and Y8's (some) came out! =D

shouted till i ran out of voice like that lah~ =p 

i love my their dancing lah! LOL! 

Y9Sci's is the WINNER! in the end~ 

then my class, Y9B's and Y8's(some) got SECOND PLACE! LOL! SO HAPPY FOR THEM LAH! =D

after the competition and the results and all the other stuffs lah~ wanted to take some pictures with all of them one! but then they all don't want except for corsy~ -.- kekdao ah! i wanted to take picture with cynthia, joelle and kally one! but then they don't want.....some too busy le.....haizz....LOL! =p nvm~ at least took some with Corsy! =D

pictures and videos time! =D

 Me and Corsy~ <3

 another picture of me and Corsy~ <3

me,ying and corsy! =D the one at the back is shyang but then i didn't took him~ LOL! =p

sorry! =D

okie i tried uploading the video of them dancing but then blogger can't seem to let me neh! >.<

hate it! i don't even noe y~ eshh! >.<


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