Sunday, February 27, 2011

can you get any awesomer?

okayyy this new SJM song ishh awesome! called "too perfect"

well.. at first you won't like da song tat much but you'll like it after some time de ^^Y

kyuhyun ishh soo damn hot inside! even TWY said soo! (gahhh)

although he's eye look kinda blackk OO with tat thing(dunno wat's da name) on he's eye but he's still hot as ever! :pp

it's da truth okayyy~ and he's voice ishhh like heaven!! :DD

Sunday, February 20, 2011

CHMS's lion dance performance! =D

Yesterday went to my school's lion dance performance with my BFF, Claudia n then there's Oh Oh, Li Zhi, Jian, Sent Jay, Brandon n Ron~ =D

Tornado was suppose to go but then she had a fever so stayed at home~ kally was also suppose to go but then she had a dinner to go~ so none of them went~ -.-

kekdao~ =p 

but then i still had a lot of fun with all of them! =D

there's this Dragon thingi performance! n guess what? it's special cause it can glow in the dark! a lot of people bought glowing stick! i want one! but then need to buy~ -.- $1 for 1 stick~ so expensive! D:

i saw a lot of couples there~ felt so envy of them~ but then also felt so not envy~ HAHAHAHAHAA! cause having a bf sometimes are just way too stress~ but then having a bf is just so sweet~ =D

anyways~ i didn't get to take any pictures from yesterday's performance cause my camera went low bat on me~ -.-

but then i think Claudia took some pictures! =p

if u guys wanna see~ go her facebook profile lu~ IF she upload all those pictures into facebook~ =D

okie~ next topic to talk today~ umm......right! yesterday's National Day Rehearsal! =D

it was so much fun yesterday! u noe y? cause there's so many clouds up on the sky so most of the time was not hot! whee! luckily ah! or else i'll become even blacker! -.- i wish tomorrow's weather would be like yesterday's~

then after rehearsal-ing~ we went to Coffee Bean to meet up with BFF, Claudia n Li Zhi! =D

i bought ice blended pure caramel!! it was nice~ but too sweet~ =( i prefer ying's mocha n sing siew's latte~ =D

tomorrow i'm gonna order that! =D Latte maybe~ =p

yeah! tomorrow we're going to Coffee Bean with Claudia n Li Zhi again! WOOTS! =D <3 <3 <3


(u broke my heart, now i can't seem to smile again)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Natinal Day tiring.....

my mood is so not unhappy right now~ -.- u noe y?

cause i'm gonna turn BLACK soon!
no! i mean NOW! D:

i'm always standing under the sun now! just because of the National Day Performance! 
we can't open the umbrealla that we use to perform cause it will not look nice when other people r seeing it~ wth? we're like BBQ foods ah! 

all the people on the padang r like half cooked meats~ n when it's on the actual day~ u can see us all 100% cook liaw! -.-
i can even see my arm's color now! there's 2 different colours ah! D: i hate it! T.T

my legs okie lah~ cause we wore long pants~
my face too! i don't have sunburn but then my face is superly red! like a tomato! O.O

omg! i hate it National Day performances but i love it too~
cause it's fun~ gah! -.-

anyways~ stop talking bout that~ or else i'll get even moodier~ =p

today is chap goh meh! ( i have no idea how it's spelled) anybody celebrating it? =D
i don't think i celebrated anything on the last day~

no playing fireworks, no special dinner for us today~
talking bout fireworks~ it seems like i haven't even touch any fire works this year~ O.O

i mean have lah~ maybe once or twice only in Malaysia~ in Brunei~ not once~ o.o
i noe! it's shocking! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

i miss touching them~ *seems very pervertic~ HAHAHAHAHA!*

i wanna put the long red fireworks! the one very loud one! n also the one that shoots into the skyp n goes BOOM! then many colours came bursting out! but then my parents don't wanna~ -.-

okie~ change topic again~

LOOK! my 'fei fei'

 she's so damn cute ain't it?! =D

ah!!!! LOL! cute die! =D


my chinese new year's clothes~ =D =p

On Valentine's Day~

well......i received some gifts on Valentine's Day! =D all as friends nia de ah! not as something more! =p

LOL! see:
this is from my sister~ it is also counted as a Christmas Present~ =D
This is from Tornado! =D
this is from 'someone'~ =p
this is from Jian~ =D
This is from Dee Xiang~ =D
This is from Zhen Cherng~ =D
This is from Kae Sen~ =)
this is from cynthia! =D
this is also from my sister! =D

this is from my ah gong! =D *fake one* =p
this also~ ah gong gave one~ =D
this is from my father~ so beautiful! ^.^v
this is from my sister again too~ SUPER JUNIOR! woots! =D
from Brandon~ =D
from ah gong~ =D
from ah gong again! =D


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

you're a liar and a cheater or you could be worst, a heartbreaker

okok i don't blog much these daysss~

there's only fang blogging here and there~ tat's cause she blogged everything out and i can't possibly blog about the same thing rite? OO

soo yeaaa~

yeesterday's valentines day! anyone did not enjoy their day?  welll i did~ hahaha

got lots of valentine gifts from myy friend! about 9 to 10?  (im not showing off~ im just blogging some random stuff for you guys to see)

but it's a gift as a friend onlyyy~ soo don't think tooo much! 

i bet most of you got lots alsoo~ WEEEEE

oh! here's a pichaa i edit-ed~ spend like a week to finish cause it really need time to slowly finish it~ 

i was gettting fed up in da middle but i have to finish it anyways elsee all myy hard wok will be wasted~ :D

nice or not? OO need advice! soo tat i can improve~ (it's myy first time anyway) :)

till here then -off- byesss :"b

Saturday, February 12, 2011

YOSEOB! ♥ ♥ ♥

all videos of YOSEOB! =D    


Open House! =D

Today i went to my ex neighbor's, Dr. On, house n guess what? 


i was like "OMG! y their house so huge?! D: "

there's summing pool leh! n then there's this movie room! then my mother told me lah~ the lenght n wide of their garden was like my house's downstair's! or even bigger! D:

i can't believe this! 

i told my parents i want this kind of house! but then obviously i was just joking cause i can never have one like this~ but if i marry to a King of course i can~ -.-

then my parents started nagging me bout start studying hard then~ then my father said: his 2 sons r doctors too so of course they can live in such a huge house~" 

gah~ i hate it when my parents started nagging at me~ well....duh~ who doesn't? LOL! =D

anyways~ i went home early~ like 8:00p.m+ ~ then i took some cute pictures oh my cat Mi Mi! =D

cute die ah! =D

 what chu looking at? 

"so boring" 

i'd rather sleep then play with u~ -.- 


 is there anything i could catch?

no nothing~ -.-

so cute right?! =D HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! =p


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

It's my dad's birthday today! =D

Happy Birthday to daddy,
Happy Birthday to daddy,
Happy Birthday to daddy~,

we celebrated it with SteamBot! =p
yummy! my mum prepared all those stuffs~ y? cause it's homemade steambot! Yeah! =D

more nicer than going outside which would eat up a whole lot of ur money~ -.-

i took some pictures! whee! =p

 my dad n my mum! =D

had sparkling juice! peach flavor i think~ =p

fish cakes! my fav! ^.^v

love this type of cabbage too! =p

i ate a lot of this noodles~ n now i'm still full as ever~ x.x

 i hate eating this~ but we had this for SteamBot although i didn't eat even one~ ^.^v



Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Secret! shhh! =p

this is Secret's new song! =D "Shy Boy" is the name! =p

i love this song to the max! it's so damn nice! =D
i love their dance moves too! =p

yesterday i was going to blog that one~ but then i can't find time to use the computer~ =p n also another thing!
yesterday at school was fun! =D cynthia, me, sing siew n vincent took one picture during 5 min break! but then oh~ it's in vincent's phone~ i want him to upload it into facebook! but then oh~ he lost his USB cable so cannot~ -.- keksii! LOL! =p

okie~ talk finish bout what i wanted to blog yesterday~ now what happened today? =D

nothing really happend today liaw~ i got my "part-time" working as usual~ today no boys stayed back~ sien~ singsiew said he'll stay n also vincent! but then they didn't go work~ -.- maybe they went to Jub liaw~ kekdao~ =p

then during our lunch break~ me, cynthia n ying went out walking cause we just finised eating our lunch~ then we saw BRANDON! =D

we talked with him~ play also! =D till we needed to go back to work again~ =p

then that's the end~ cause we work from 1:00p.m till 2:30p.m nia~ so little time! i noe! HAHAHAHAHA! =D but i have to come back n study bwa~

but then my parents aren't at home so yeah~ i'm using the computer nia! whee! =p LOL! 

lazy to study bwa~ -.- =p

oh ya! i've been wanting to show u guys my new boots! =D

wait for it......=p
tadahh! LOL! nice isn't it? i love it so much ah! =D


 saranghae ryeowook

i love you RYEOWOOK! <3

Sunday, February 6, 2011


LOL! hey guys~ it's a NEW year already~ OMG! meaning i'm older already? aww man~ i don't want to grow up so fast~ i still want to be like around the age of 5-7~

i remember when i was that age~ i used to be carried around by all my cousins whenever i went back for my Chinese New Year~

then i remember last time~ don't noe how old was i that time~ of my cousin asked me if i would marry him when i'm older~ but then obviously he was just joking one lah~

then i was like panicking! LOL! my mind was like quickly thinking out some reason to say "NO"~ then ying ying said: "Because u're too old for her so cannot!" then i quickly use that reason! HAHAHAHAHAHA! it was so damn funny when i think of it ever now n then~ =p

i'm missing all the past now~ i'm missing all my cousins~ now i'm missing my sister a lot~ >.<

gah! i hate this feeling but i can't help it~ aww man~ T.T

just got back from my hometown~ so now i kept on thinking what they'll be doing now~ i can just easily guess it out cause there's really nothing to do there~but even though its boring~ it's still so much fun for me to be there~ T.T

to my cousins: I MISS U GUYS! although i don't noe if anyone of u guys noe that i actually have a blog~ =p

to my sister: JIE! YEAH! u're coming back sooN! meaning i can sit beside u when u go driving agaiN! remember to drive to the round-a-bout there ah! u only drive to there once nia! =p

n now i'm starting to miss all the past with my friends~ when we have this SISTARS group and JSGX

to my friends: I'm so missing u guys too! even when i went back for Chinese New Years i miss u guys a lot too! especially Shintinn, Tornado, Cynthia! I LOVE U GUYS! =D ^^ <3 <3 <3
