Thursday, February 17, 2011

Natinal Day tiring.....

my mood is so not unhappy right now~ -.- u noe y?

cause i'm gonna turn BLACK soon!
no! i mean NOW! D:

i'm always standing under the sun now! just because of the National Day Performance! 
we can't open the umbrealla that we use to perform cause it will not look nice when other people r seeing it~ wth? we're like BBQ foods ah! 

all the people on the padang r like half cooked meats~ n when it's on the actual day~ u can see us all 100% cook liaw! -.-
i can even see my arm's color now! there's 2 different colours ah! D: i hate it! T.T

my legs okie lah~ cause we wore long pants~
my face too! i don't have sunburn but then my face is superly red! like a tomato! O.O

omg! i hate it National Day performances but i love it too~
cause it's fun~ gah! -.-

anyways~ stop talking bout that~ or else i'll get even moodier~ =p

today is chap goh meh! ( i have no idea how it's spelled) anybody celebrating it? =D
i don't think i celebrated anything on the last day~

no playing fireworks, no special dinner for us today~
talking bout fireworks~ it seems like i haven't even touch any fire works this year~ O.O

i mean have lah~ maybe once or twice only in Malaysia~ in Brunei~ not once~ o.o
i noe! it's shocking! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

i miss touching them~ *seems very pervertic~ HAHAHAHAHA!*

i wanna put the long red fireworks! the one very loud one! n also the one that shoots into the skyp n goes BOOM! then many colours came bursting out! but then my parents don't wanna~ -.-

okie~ change topic again~

LOOK! my 'fei fei'

 she's so damn cute ain't it?! =D

ah!!!! LOL! cute die! =D


my chinese new year's clothes~ =D =p

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