Sunday, February 20, 2011

CHMS's lion dance performance! =D

Yesterday went to my school's lion dance performance with my BFF, Claudia n then there's Oh Oh, Li Zhi, Jian, Sent Jay, Brandon n Ron~ =D

Tornado was suppose to go but then she had a fever so stayed at home~ kally was also suppose to go but then she had a dinner to go~ so none of them went~ -.-

kekdao~ =p 

but then i still had a lot of fun with all of them! =D

there's this Dragon thingi performance! n guess what? it's special cause it can glow in the dark! a lot of people bought glowing stick! i want one! but then need to buy~ -.- $1 for 1 stick~ so expensive! D:

i saw a lot of couples there~ felt so envy of them~ but then also felt so not envy~ HAHAHAHAHAA! cause having a bf sometimes are just way too stress~ but then having a bf is just so sweet~ =D

anyways~ i didn't get to take any pictures from yesterday's performance cause my camera went low bat on me~ -.-

but then i think Claudia took some pictures! =p

if u guys wanna see~ go her facebook profile lu~ IF she upload all those pictures into facebook~ =D

okie~ next topic to talk today~ umm......right! yesterday's National Day Rehearsal! =D

it was so much fun yesterday! u noe y? cause there's so many clouds up on the sky so most of the time was not hot! whee! luckily ah! or else i'll become even blacker! -.- i wish tomorrow's weather would be like yesterday's~

then after rehearsal-ing~ we went to Coffee Bean to meet up with BFF, Claudia n Li Zhi! =D

i bought ice blended pure caramel!! it was nice~ but too sweet~ =( i prefer ying's mocha n sing siew's latte~ =D

tomorrow i'm gonna order that! =D Latte maybe~ =p

yeah! tomorrow we're going to Coffee Bean with Claudia n Li Zhi again! WOOTS! =D <3 <3 <3


(u broke my heart, now i can't seem to smile again)

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