Sunday, February 6, 2011


LOL! hey guys~ it's a NEW year already~ OMG! meaning i'm older already? aww man~ i don't want to grow up so fast~ i still want to be like around the age of 5-7~

i remember when i was that age~ i used to be carried around by all my cousins whenever i went back for my Chinese New Year~

then i remember last time~ don't noe how old was i that time~ of my cousin asked me if i would marry him when i'm older~ but then obviously he was just joking one lah~

then i was like panicking! LOL! my mind was like quickly thinking out some reason to say "NO"~ then ying ying said: "Because u're too old for her so cannot!" then i quickly use that reason! HAHAHAHAHAHA! it was so damn funny when i think of it ever now n then~ =p

i'm missing all the past now~ i'm missing all my cousins~ now i'm missing my sister a lot~ >.<

gah! i hate this feeling but i can't help it~ aww man~ T.T

just got back from my hometown~ so now i kept on thinking what they'll be doing now~ i can just easily guess it out cause there's really nothing to do there~but even though its boring~ it's still so much fun for me to be there~ T.T

to my cousins: I MISS U GUYS! although i don't noe if anyone of u guys noe that i actually have a blog~ =p

to my sister: JIE! YEAH! u're coming back sooN! meaning i can sit beside u when u go driving agaiN! remember to drive to the round-a-bout there ah! u only drive to there once nia! =p

n now i'm starting to miss all the past with my friends~ when we have this SISTARS group and JSGX

to my friends: I'm so missing u guys too! even when i went back for Chinese New Years i miss u guys a lot too! especially Shintinn, Tornado, Cynthia! I LOVE U GUYS! =D ^^ <3 <3 <3


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