Friday, January 28, 2011

painfull~ can't stand it~

okie.....i'm suffering from very painful muscle pain~ >.<

cause on Wed's P.E bwa~ we had long jump then i think i landed too hardly on the floor then it hurt my leg or something~ so now it hurt a lot~
but then even worst~ yesterday i had Badminton ECA~It's a must go so i did go~ then i played with my friends~ n now it's even worst then on Wednesday~ >.<

now i'm currently designing my school's website~ but then ah~ i don't noe how to change the blog skin! i need help with that! i kept on pressing random buttons to change it but then it just won't change~ -.-

that's my school's website~ but i only edited the "about me" part~ i haven't edit other parts yet~ cause i have no idea what to put in it~ -.-
i want this blog skin! 

 gah! i need help! JIE! U NOE HOW?! =D


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