Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Secret! shhh! =p

this is Secret's new song! =D "Shy Boy" is the name! =p

i love this song to the max! it's so damn nice! =D
i love their dance moves too! =p

yesterday i was going to blog that one~ but then i can't find time to use the computer~ =p n also another thing!
yesterday at school was fun! =D cynthia, me, sing siew n vincent took one picture during 5 min break! but then oh~ it's in vincent's phone~ i want him to upload it into facebook! but then oh~ he lost his USB cable so cannot~ -.- keksii! LOL! =p

okie~ talk finish bout what i wanted to blog yesterday~ now what happened today? =D

nothing really happend today liaw~ i got my "part-time" working as usual~ today no boys stayed back~ sien~ singsiew said he'll stay n also vincent! but then they didn't go work~ -.- maybe they went to Jub liaw~ kekdao~ =p

then during our lunch break~ me, cynthia n ying went out walking cause we just finised eating our lunch~ then we saw BRANDON! =D

we talked with him~ play also! =D till we needed to go back to work again~ =p

then that's the end~ cause we work from 1:00p.m till 2:30p.m nia~ so little time! i noe! HAHAHAHAHA! =D but i have to come back n study bwa~

but then my parents aren't at home so yeah~ i'm using the computer nia! whee! =p LOL! 

lazy to study bwa~ -.- =p

oh ya! i've been wanting to show u guys my new boots! =D

wait for it......=p
tadahh! LOL! nice isn't it? i love it so much ah! =D


 saranghae ryeowook

i love you RYEOWOOK! <3

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