Monday, May 31, 2010

fun fun fun!!!!!

Yesterday~ which is a Sunday~

Me, Ying n my brother went to "The Mall" 

We meet up with claudia and vivian~

Claudia= my best friend forever!

We went n took pictures in the arcade lagi ah!

I love those pictures!

Hope i can go again~ though =p

I really had a lot of fun!

Me, ying n claudia was planning on going to "The Mall" again~

But then i don't noe if my parents let me go again or not T.T



Nothing to post le eh~



I'm feeling better now~ not that sick like last time le =D

Good for me! =p


I really have nothing to post le~

bye bye!!!! =p

Saturday, May 29, 2010

At my house on 28-5-2010

Not gonna read manga yet T.T cause i have to post another news =D



On 28-5-2010 my friends came to my house cause we need to do our MIB projects~ =p

My mum made cakes, pizzas and puddings for ma friends!......n also for me n my family of course =.=

It's delicious! 

Shintinn jie next time when we invite u, u better come oh! =p

we had a lot of fun but only have one bad news for me only~ (again) because i'm sick =.=


nothing to say~ i'm just gonna upload the pictures! =p

I don't noe y i can't upload other pictures~ so i'm gonna just show u guys that(?) lol! =p

I can only just show u guys that =D

ok nothing to post le~ 

oh ya still have one!

1st place = Green house
2nd place = Yellow house
3rd place = Blue house
4th place = Red house




bye~ =D

Sports day~ tiring =(

Today Sports Day for CHMS!!!!! =D

Very tiring though........for ying mostly cause she have marching =p

But i'm also tired cause i have a cold so that means i'm sick! T.T

I hate getting sick T.T


Today very hot ah! Can't stand the weather these days =(

Ying ying kasian~ cause she have to stand in a crowd full of people and also under the VERY HOT sun! O.O

Luckily i didn't =D *piece!*

Today somebody didn't come so it's very LUCKY for JSGX! =D

JIE!!!!! see i didn't use that word le! =D good leh =p

I had a lot of fun but only that i'm sick so it's not 100% fun~ only 80%~

10% for getting sick =.=

n another 10% for cause the weather so DAMN HOT!!!!! =.=

Don't noe now i feel better or not le =.=

*change topic*

Tomorrow have to go tuition for mahts~ =D

Tomorrow gonna be a fun tuiton! cause *someone* not coming!

Then~ also ! won't come FOREVER!!!!! =D ^^Y

jie~ i did a right thing leh~ i listen to what u thought me  =p

*change back to sports day!*

Today ying ying say lah~ a lot of poeple fainted because too hot le!

I was sweating like siao ah! But also a lot of other people lah =D

Kasian shintinn, rezel, ying, li shyan cause they have to stand under the sun =]

Anyways~ i'm gonna stop here now~ cause i want to read manga now~ =D

bye bye! =p

Friday, May 28, 2010

=D ^^


My friends all in my house! .....except for some lah~ =D

Anyways, we ate my mum's homemade pizza!

But then rezel didn't cause she came late =p

Later gonna eat again though~ =D

Gonna stop now~ cause......nothing to post already(?) =p

bye! =D

Thursday, May 27, 2010

American Idol 2010's Winner!

Guess what!?

Lee DeWyze won the American Idol 2010!

I thought it's gonna be another person named crystal de~ =p


I seldom watched American Idol so i don't really noe their names~ =D


*gonna change topic*

U noe! 

Yesterday my oven was on fire!

No lah~ just that my mum was toasting the breads so that she could get the crumps~ 

But then oh~ The breads suddenly over-burn so it's on fire!

My mum screamed for my dad so(of course) my dad came running into the kitchen~

When my dad took out the breads~ i saw that the breads were all black in colour O.O

So that means my oven isn't broken~ =p

*change topic again =p*


Tomorrow my friends are coming to my house~

We're gonna do our MIB projects~ but i think were gonna mostly play or even take pictures~ =p

I can't wait!

My mum make pizzas for us! woots! =p

K! gonna end here now~ cause my dad don't let me use le =.=

cause tomorrow got class but even my mum let me use lah!!!!!


no mood liaw.....



Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm in my school's computer lab now! =p

Very sien leh~ N also very tired/ sleepy right now! =.=

Later have to go tt lagi ah~ haizzzz.....

Sometimes i hate going to school cause kept on NEED to watch biatch de face =.=



Now secondary le~ so i can't celebrate~ boo hoo....=( T.T

Still remember i had a lot of fun de when it's children's day =p

I got 82% for my computer!(I just knew~ that's y i'm posting it =p)

Kasian ah!!!

3 more marks than i can get A le! T.T

Nvm lah~ still have next time =D ^^Y

K gtg now~ bye~ i want to go play games le~ or read manga =p

Tata~ =D

Monday, May 24, 2010


*this is gonna be a short blog*


no mood arh nw..><


at first i was in such a reli reli good mood...

then when afternoon came..

no mood..


maybe because of the weather tat is SUPER SUPER HOT!

and also maybe because of something private tat i won't tell..=pp




feels like there's a storm coming when i'm not in the mood...


soooooo not in the mood..

no mood till don't wanna blog liaw..



Sunday, May 23, 2010

C class de class trip!

Yesterday i went to C class de class trip~

It isn't quite fun for me cause i don't really really noe some of the people over there~ although most of it i noe~

But it's still kinda boring for me =.=

I was always left alone =(

Ying ying n shintinn had a lot of fun lah~ =p

I think~

N u noe!

I was pull into the bouncer =.=

At first i told them that i don't want.....yet~ cause i want to help teacher cook foods( cause cher says that later they played finish then sure will be hungry de~)

In the end i still got wet lah =.=

It was damn LONELY for me =.=

Ok for other people but for n also not very fun =p

A lot of my friends got bungkus by the boys~ so funny ah!

C class de form teacher also played with us (inclucing her husband)

cher also had a lot of fun!

I have nothing to post bout le~ cause nothing really happened for me yesterday~ as u all noe cause i kept on repeating that it wasn't REALLY fun for me =p

When i came back home~ i went straight to bath n also brush my teeth~ then went to bed

When my head hit the pillow n close my eyes, don't have to wait for like 3 minutes then i sleep le~ lol!

Sleep till.....9 this morning =p

K~  end of story for C class de class trip =p

hmm.......nothing to write le~ =(

gonna end here =p

chao! =D 

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today in English period i had a lot of fun!

cause cher let us bring board games to school to play(because we just finished our Mid-Year Exam)

I brought "poker cards"! i thought cher won't let us play so i didn't take it out to play "speed" with ma friends~

But then one of my friend ask if he can borrowed it then i say can lu but then if u gotten himself into trouble then not my fault~

so he went n ask cher if he can play poker cards~

cher let them ah!

so they play speed. so kekdao =.=

nvm~ cher say saturday still can play~

YEAH! =p

gonna end here cause i don't noe what to type bout le  =p

bye bye! =D ^^ 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


stop controling people's life bwa u!

someone(a) help someone(b) u hate than u go n say if u help that person again i will not be ur friend forever!


If i can give an advice to the (a) i would have say don't listen to her lah~ she always say like that de but in the end she's the one who need friends the most =.=
If she say u again like that then just reply her: Don't then don't lah~ Who care's bout u =.=

I'm gonna end here now~ bye =p

Next period coming bye~ =p


Bored weh now~

Nothing to do~

I just finish helping one of my friends to create a blog~ so that's y i can't blog  just now~

if i can i would have blog earlier le~

But helping my friend to create a blog was fun~ =D

Anyway~ today very boring ah~ not only now~ =.=

Teacher teaching other people in learning how to do the computer classwork~ so thats y he's not giving us classworks~


Monday, May 17, 2010



a lot of stuff happen today...


first....something private...ahahahha~


there's someone "GUI SHANG SHEN!!!"


*runs around*..><><

excluding me though...


cause i have to 'bu xiang xing' those kind of things....=D


i'll blog till her then~


Sunday, May 16, 2010

To frank~


It's not fun chatting with u when ur moody =.=

Go listen to "bonamana" from SJ

U're addicted to it right?


Come on~

it's no fun chatting with u like that =.=

If u don't cheer up faster, i'll......i'll.... i'll kill u! lol!

jk jk =p

I'm gonna end here~ *it's a short post =p*

Cheer up ya! =p

N forget all other problems =p


Mall ova~ study still continues =.=

It's kinda fun today at The Mall~

But i'm very unlucky today......n also a little lucky! =p

The unlucky part was that i saw a person that i dislike a lot! But the lucky part was~ i saw a lot of ma friends! woots!

nono.....i don't dislike that person.....i only hate that person de attitude. n i hate her attitude a lot!

If u noe that person~ i'm sure u'll hate her a lot too~ =D

I promise u on that!


I bought some books(although i haven't finish one of the book that i've been reading lately but more books, then i can read longer! =)

I bought an earring too! i like it a lot! 


Hmm....... today for sure gonna have assembly~ cause all of the students in CHMS had already finish exams~

N also it'd been a long time since we have assembly~

I think i'm quite happy than last time~(maybe)

don't u guys think?

nvm~ u guys won't have to answer that cause i noe some of u guys don't noe me......maybe~ lol!=p

I'm gonna end here right now~ cause my sister is going to use it now~ so i can't continue to blog le =(

P.S: she's lazy to blog~ so that's y u guys keep on reading what i post only n what she didn't post~ She says she don't wanna blog le cause no time~ but she always read manga n won't blog =.=

k for now~

Chao~ =p

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Exam over~ Mall on ma way!


exams is ova(over)

i mean its already over for umm.....3 days(?) 


N tomorrow i'm gonna go to "The Mall"! WOOTS!!!!!

It has been a very very very long time since i went to The Mall~

Even if i did go~ i only go there n eat foods only~ then go back home le~

lame leh these days~

nothing to do ah at home~

I'm gonna go to C class de class trip on saturday~ which means it's on 22 of May~

Then on 4 of June~ i'm gonna go to my class trip~ =D

Then my sister(wanying) is going to come with me~ woots! 

I'm gonna play till crazy ah~

Then oh~ ying ying de class trip can ride horse de ah~ so i will also play like crazy! woots! =p

I can't wait u noe! 

Wish the time will past quickly till 22 of May then on 22 of May the time will go by slowly so more time for me to play! HAHA! =p

bah~ i'm gonna stop blogging now~ 

bye bye~ =p